How do you deal with FB stalkers?

<p>So a girl from one of my classes can't take the hint that I don't want to be her friend (for real reasons, not something mean like "she be ugly!").</p>

<p>She requested me a few times and I rejected them. Then she did it again, this time with the message "I thought I sent you a request, but I guess not. See you next semester!"</p>

<p>I tried letting it sit, but she saw me post on other friends and events or whatever. She requested some friends, too.</p>

<p>I changed my settings so she can't see my pictures, but she can see stuff on other profiles, and I hate that.</p>

<p>Is this the best I could do for this situation, besides deleting my account and making a secret new one?</p>

<p>just add her, and let it fade.</p>

<p>You should tell her you don’t like her, plain and simple. Usually I would just add the person and never talk to them, but you hate this girl so much you won’t even add her so you shouldn’t have any qualms with just telling her upfront in her face that you do not want to know her.</p>

<p>you could add her to your limited profile, so she can’t see most of your stuff but she will still feel like you are friends. This is what I do for like, bosses and advisors and stuff who want to be my friend on FB but I don’t want them all in my business.</p>

<p>How do you add someone to a limited profile?? I could use that!</p>

<p>I think you are thinking way too much about this. I am facebook friends with some people I really don’t like, but I never reject someone’s friend request, even when the person was re-adding me after I deleted them. Just don’t worry about it. People take their “facebook lives” way too seriously.</p>

<p>dude why be like that, just add her and let her be happy. people i seriously have never talked to in my life but went to the same school as me request me and i just accept because i don’t want to look like a jerk. i don’t know, i’m not the type of person to just add randomly but i guess there are people out there who don’t feel weird doing it. they know they’ll never talk to you but their friends list looks bigger. (or they think you’re hot and want to get to know you ;o)</p>

<p>whenever you accept someone’s friend request, you just select something like, “Put on my limited profile” or something. they can actually see more of your profile than i thought though, I just went and checked out facebook’s privacy settings to see. There is a place on there where you can see what other people see your profile as.
Also, you can actually completely block people from being able to find you on facebook at all. You just go to Settings->Privacy Settings->Block People. Type in the person’s name and voila, they can’t find you ever.</p>


Limited profile is good in theory, but the thing is that you KNOW when you’re on someone’s limited profile. If she thinks the OP is her friend, she will be like why the heck did he put me on his/her limited profile?</p>

<p>I’m definitely warm and inviting to acquaintences, but not random girls in my class that are the sworn enemies of my friends. It’s not a sorority thing, but a relationship thing that I’m not directly a part of, but know enough about that I should get as far away from this person as possible.</p>

<p>She’ll get over it, but she “talks to me” through other people’s profiles.</p>

<p>You know, you can make friend lists. You can title them anything you want, and put restriction options on them (different ones for different lists). You can make it so one group of people can’t see your pics, another group can’t see your wall, and another group that can see neither. When you make these lists, you can select any restriction options you want (basic info, personal info, wall, pics…). You can also go to your applications (such as notes) and control who can see that.</p>

<p>Does the block option eliminate my posts from other walls? I might just do that.</p>

<p>i’m surprised nobody has mentioned it yet, but have you never thought of just blocking her? she won’t be able to search for you, message you, add you, etc. i think even if she sees your name in someone else’s profile, she can’t click on your name to see anything of yours.</p>

<p>edit: i posted this before i could read your latest post. yes, just block her. it doesn’t do anything to your posts.</p>

<p>Yep, post #12. I blocked her.</p>

<p>In all likelihood, I’ll see her in person next semester, but I assume more than anything that we won’t say anything to each other.</p>

<p>um…you don’t have to be BFF with everyone you’re linked to on facebook…i think you’re taking this wayyyy too seriously. accept the invitation and then ignore her.</p>

<p>maybe she just adds a lot of people all the time and when she got to your name she forgot she already requested you</p>

<p>No, no. We have class together and it’s kinda hard to forget if I rejected the request twice before her little message and the fact that she kept talking to me over other people’s walls (i.e. Hey, I didn’t know you two were friends! Add me! blah blah blah).</p>

<p>I blocked her though.</p>

<p>Normally, I do add anyone (why not make connections?) but this girl is a big “NO!”</p>

<p>^My motto: “keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.”</p>

<p>Agree with CoffeeBreak. The decent, upstanding thing is to stand loyally by your friends… the smart thing is to falsely befriend their enemies as well.</p>

<p>I have couple of false friends on FB and so are my two deadly enemies. Arggh</p>