<p>Like those people who think they're better than you because they have better grades and more money. Can you share your experiences?</p>
<p>the same way you deal with them in h.s. ?
ignore `em lol</p>
<p>Use lots of sarcasm, where the meaning won’t hit them until after you’ve left the conversation and they can’t use a come back.</p>
<p>I personally exercise a type of restrained, polite behavior. Just avoid interacting with them when you can.</p>
<p>You become one, that’s how. But just become a bigger, better one - that’s all. :)</p>
<p>You challenge them to a duel and then deliver a smackdown with your mad awesome sword skillz! :)</p>
<p>Or you can just act clueless and annoy the hell out of them.</p>
<p>The queen bees that thought they were the “shi.t” in high school normally get taken down a notch when in college… they end up hanging out with all their high school friends, causing too much drama and then dropping out or transferring to somewhere else in search of happiness</p>
<p>As far as snobs go, there are so many people in college that it is easy just to avoid them altogether for the most part. Or you just need a keen ability to tell these types of people to FO</p>
<p>To be honest, I don’t notice the snobs with money because rarely will there be people flashing their wealth.</p>
<p>The grade snobs are annoying though, but they’re usually too obnoxious that it’s laughable, i.e. the kid who has to comment on everything the professor says by saying “…to go along with that notion”. It’s like be quiet. You’re not a smart person if you can paraphrase what someone said 30 seconds ago.</p>
<p>In my classes it’s always the clueless people who raise their hands and ask a million questions.</p>
<p>the best part about college is that there are so many people you can avoid whoever you don’t want to see, about 95% of the time. And anyway, most people in college grow up enough that they don’t flaunt their wealth around like b-tches in high school do. Usually because they realize daddy’s money can’t buy them out of every trouble and bad grade they get into like they thought it could.
As for grade snobs, I’ve never really met anyone who did more than go, “Yay I got an A on this really hard paper!!!” occasionally.</p>
<p>You marry them and take their money.</p>
<p>you just do better than them in every way possible so they have nothing to brag about.</p>
<p>lmao duper ^^</p>
<p>you get the **** over it, pretty much. there’s nothing else you can do. focus on yourself.</p>
<p>I know. One of my friends is like that. He’s really nice and all but when it comes to grades, he’s always almost putting me down And even the school I go too (CUNY), his is SUNY, so I see no difference. </p>
<p>I don’t know how to tell him to stop being so mean when it comes to grades and schools seriously.</p>
<p>Be a snob back…get cocky.</p>
<p>@Kid: Easy. “Hey, I know you don’t mean it, but whenever you talk about your grades like that I feel like you’re putting me down.”</p>
<p>I told him over the phone when he said ‘what school did so and so go too because he’s so smart?’ and I was like ‘my school!’ and he’s like ‘what? Why your school. why not my school, why not columbia. City isn’t that good.’ and I was like ‘HEY! what are you trying to say? City is really good for engineering.’ and I became defensive and he’s like ‘soooorrrryyyy gosh’. >: (</p>
<p>And he still has that attitude, I don’t think I’m brave enough to tell him directly :(</p>
<p>@ kid, find some bad things about his school and bring them up in conversation.</p>
<p>find some dirt on them and blackmail them.</p>
<p>This is why I respect modest people. :)</p>
<p>I get higher grades than a lot of people who flaunt their high scores but I just let them have their glory. Really, what good does it do for them? Confidence?</p>