How do you decline admission?

I got accepted into Duquesne, but my first choice accepted me already… Duquesne is a lovely choice but my heart pulls me towards that other school… How am I supposed to decline the offer? Do I have to send a letter? :0

Also, if I got accepted into the honors college, do I have to send back the form that they sent in the honors college letter, or could I just mention that I won’t be attending the honors college (which is sorta obvious) in my letter/email/whatever ? gotta go find it if thats the case…

You sound like a very considerate person. An e-mail to Admissions is fine (once you’re SURE that you’ve going someplace else). Just say thank you for the acceptance to DU and to the Honors College but you will not be attending as you have chosen a different school.

My kid is in the same position, butteredlettuce. Emailed Admissions to decline the offer of admission and Honors College a week ago, but to date has not received acknowledgement in return. All other schools contacted to withdraw offers/applications responded right away. So to make sure the information has been received, we are sending actual letters both to the Admissions office and Honors College (with the form that was included). It’s about being courteous and grateful, but also wanting to make sure everything is closed out so as not to jeopardize ED admission elsewhere.