How do you do the combination math problems??

<p>I got a 690 on the math the first time I took it. Other than the weird crap that's regularly on the test like F of triangle = F of square, or whatever, the only types of problems that give me trouble are the 'combination' problems.</p>

<p>For example, there are 6 men. How many different combinations of handshakes can occur?</p>

<p>How do you quickly calculate that?</p>

<p>Another example would be, there are 5 different types of pants, 4 different types of shirts, and 3 different types of hats. How many different outfits are possible?</p>

<p>How do you calculate that?</p>

<p>For the first one, look at it this way:</p>

<p>Person A shakes hands with 5 people.
Person B has already shaken with Person A, so he shakes hands with 4 other people.
Person C has already shaken with Person A and Person B, so he shakes hands with 3 other people.</p>

<p>etc etc. </p>

<p>5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15</p>

<p>For the second one, just multiply them together. 5 x 4 x 3 = 60 outfits</p>

<p>You just multiply for the second? Ok. That’s what I would have guessed, but I really wasn’t sure.</p>

<p>And about the first one…that’s exactly how I usually do it (except I usually draw a pentagon because I’m a very visual person), but for problems larger than that (maybe it asks for twenty people instead of five) is there a faster way to do it, or is that the only way?</p>

<p>And about problems that give weirdly complicated patterns. The worst ones usually say something along the lines of, “Every odd number gets multiplied by negative two, and every even number is added by 3. Here is the sequence: 3, -6, -3, 6, …What is the 50th number of this sequence.”</p>

<p>How in the world do you do that?</p>

<p>…Thanks for all the help, by the way.</p>

<p>Did u make the pattern up? Cuz usually there is a pattern among the first few numbers, and the one you have is utterly ridiculous.</p>

<p>lol, yeah, i made it up.</p>

<p>whys it ridiculous?</p>

<p>how do you solve it?</p>

<p>…ok, looking back at my problem, it does seem quite easy to solve.</p>

<p>But, pretending it’s more complex than that, how would you solve it algebraically?</p>

<p>edit: i take that back, lol. how do you solve it?</p>

<p>Haha, you didn’t get my point. The pattern you have is not the same as the college board one. the one they have is solvable, the numbers simply repeat themselves in certain orders, then u divide the the certain order number by the number they ask you to find, then look for remainder. Yours doesn’t work like that :)</p>

<p>mine is solvable too…</p>

<p>I know you’re supposed to use the n + 1 / 3…or whatever it is crap, but I forgot how.</p>

<p>I’ve seen a problem like the one I’ve desribed…it has to be solvable.</p>

<p>mine is solvable too…</p>

<p>I know you’re supposed to use the n + 1 / 3…or whatever it is crap, but I forgot how.</p>

<p>I’ve seen a problem like the one I’ve desribed…it has to be solvable.</p>

<p>They mostly only ask for the unit digit.</p>

<p>unit digit?</p>

<p>sorry for my lack of knowledge…</p>

<p>Good thread!! I need to know this…</p>

<p>What are quick ways to do:</p>

<p>What is the sum of all integers from 1 to 265 without knowing the equation?</p>

<p>Would it be:</p>

<p>[(1 + 265) / 2 ] * 265</p>


<p>wow…i just plugged that in and im way off</p>

<p>alright, heres the deal, depends on the wording of the prob, is it from 1 through 265, or numbers between 265? there are 2 separate formulas</p>

<p>show us both if they may appear on the sat.</p>


<p>for an arithmetic progression: a, a+d, a+2d…,a+(n-1)d
summation of first n terms = (n/2) <em>[ 2a + (n-1)d] or also represented as (n/2)</em>[sum of first term and last term]</p>

<p>for a geometric progression: a, ar, ar^2, ar^3…ar^{n-1}
summation of first n terms = a [(r^n - 1)/(r - 1)]
and for infinite gp where r <1 … the summation of the infinite series = a / 1-r</p>

<p>@JteH, theres no formula for both, there’s just one formula which you have to apply appropriately.</p>

<p>Btw, you can ask me any math questions you guys have</p>

<p>what effective ways are there to solve problems with variables? like this question on bb</p>

<p>“The price of ground coffee beans is d dollars for 8 ounces and each ounce makes c cups of brewed coffee. in terms of c and d, what is the dollar cost of the ground coffee beans required to make 1 cup of brewed coffee?”</p>

<p>answer is d / 8c</p>

<p>c cups = 1 ounce
so 1 cup = 1/c ounce
8 ounces = d $
so 1 ounce = d/8 $
and 1/c ounce = d/8c $</p>