How do you get put on the waitlist?

<p>Son was asked to take a special section of a course, which frees up a time slot for him to take a class. However, that class is closed, but there are no numbers on the waitlist.</p>

<p>How does son register to be put on the waitlist for a class?</p>

<p>There wasn’t even an option for him to do this on the add/drop section of myBama.</p>

<p>Since some classes have numbers listed under waitlist, there must be some way to get on there.</p>

<p>He did send an email to the instructor asking to be enrolled in the class, but was wondering if there was a way to do it online, in case the instructor is on vacation and not checking his email.</p>

<p>the online waitlist drop down is not functioning, has been this way since we tried in April and continues. DS just has a firm commitment from the prof. that he will be added if he shows up first day of class.</p>

<p>^^^How did he get that commitment from the prof? Did he email the prof and he responded back, or did he have to call him personally?</p>

<p>Does he have himself registered in another section of the same class, just in case the waitlist falls through?</p>

<p>Son did put himself in another section of the class, not too bad a teacher if he can’t get in his first choice, but the full teacher taught some of his floormates and they recommended him.</p>

<p>He emailed the prof. directly, then emailed again to clarify that he was definitely going to be given a spot when he showed up, so technically I guess not on the waitlist but being given a spot. He then dropped the “replacement” class, which was not the same course but in the same discipline. So right now he shows 15 credits when he will end up taking 18.</p>

<p>The online waitlist function only operates for a limited time. Don’t exactly know why that is.</p>

<p>We found that out last year when my younger son wanted in a particular class.</p>

<p>Checking just now and for whatever reason the cap/waitlists have been changed on the course DS wanted to get into so he got in to the class instead of waitlist. Also noticed other sections of his courses that were previously filled have opened up. May be a good time to check yours for options.</p>

<p>Thanks, AL. I’ll check again. As it turns out, son’s best friend is in the Calc III class he put himself into, so he may just stay put. This will be the third Calculus class they take together. I don’t know that son will want to lose his Good Luck Charm!</p>