How do you guys do your HW?

<p>I have only one class that gives me homework - chemistry.
And the homework is usually to do questions from a textbook.
I ususally just copy the answers at the back of the book becaasue our teacher ALWAYS checks homework like as if we're friggin babies (we're seniors).</p>

<p>But I study my ass off for tests.</p>

<p>Honestly, it depends on my interest on the subject, but if you're taking about essays, i do it 3 days before.</p>

<p>We know a week in advance when our AP Euro exams are going to be, so I read the tested chapter once per night. Works well, because I'm the top student in that class. I always do my homework thoroughly as soon as I get home. For AP Lit I start as soon as I get assigned a paper or project and work steadily on it (I also go a little beyond, only because literature analysis is like video games for me). Homework only takes me about 2 hours a night. Nevertheless, I have a job, and club meetings/activities almost every day per schoolweek, and I still manage to get to bed before 10 PM and have atleast 1 to 2 hours of leisure time. I guess I'm an anomaly. </p>

<p>Either that or I go to a really easy public school. Point and laugh. And even so I create alot more work for myself than I should. Doing nothing for AP French just <em>feels</em> wrong.</p>

<p>mr chipset, you "study for tests with passion and interest", really interesting comment. Can you explain that? What makes you so interested in studying for tests? How do you study for tests? What's your mindset?</p>

<p>and btw, you guys say you read a whole AP history chapter in one day (hemingwayisdead - :P). How is that possible? As far as I can tell, my AP euro chapters were 30 pages each, and so are our AP US history chapters this year. You guys can read 30 pages in one night? How long does that take you? How do you do it? Do you read like 1000+ words per minute? :P :)</p>

mr chipset, you "study for tests with passion and interest", really interesting comment. Can you explain that? What makes you so interested in studying for tests? How do you study for tests? What's your mindset?


I just create myself a manually made enthusiasm. So, when reading history I imagine that I'm by myself located in area of what is happening. History now magically transfers from bunch of facts to life where people are fighting, talking and dying for honour and beautiful princesses :)
Notice, that I don't like history since I don't need such enthusiasm to work for, let's say, calculus problems. Yet, part of self-control is gaining enthusiasm and transforming into person of another skills and desires than yours.</p>

<p>I have this um.... machine I guess you could call it. I feed in the papers (or the guidelines of a paper), and it spits out the answers. Sorry I can't release this to the general public because I even get to use it on the SAT's and stuff since it is a calculator of my invention... :/ good luck to the rest of you fools.</p>

<p>You guys can read 30 pages in one night? How long does that take you? How do you do it? Do you read like 1000+ words per minute?</p>

37.63 seconds
yes. MUCH more. And I take notes. :)</p>

<p>i do my hw in order from most important classes/easiest to least important/requires a lot of thought. my parents have to see me doing my hw in some way, whether im reading for a class or doing math problems. they dont wanna see me sitting on my butt all day except if i have to memorize something or nething around that area.
basically i do the hw no matter what</p>

<p>My easy classes this year are Spanish 3, AVID, and US History. I usually don't do homework in Spanish 3 (My teacher in that class is basically a blind bat, and you can show her your English homework and she will give you two HW points...hahaha.), which probably explains my not-so-great test scores. I do okay on vocabulary quizzes simply because I can memorize it easily. I have trouble with verb forms, though...-_-. In AVID you usually get full points for doing the work, but group projects screw me over because I tend to get placed with...not the brightest stars in the sky. In addition, US History is a BS class because all we do is watch movies and color maps all day. Hah.</p>