<p>I have a general-sounding essay but I've heard that you should include why they should accept you. How do I incorporate that in? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>lol… i forgot to do that completely in my essay.</p>
<p>Help please?</p>
<p>haldir, why they should admit you is really how well do your plans, background, and character match up with the school’s offerings, missions, and philosophy? How do you fit in with the student body and with what makes the school unique? (For the latter, take a second look at the school’s marketing materials – what do they trumpet most loudly? Associate yourself with what makes them proud of themselves.)</p>
<p>In geek_son’s case, his essays oozed Harvey Mudd – every one of them tied his personality in with the students he’d met and the school’s major goals.</p>
<p>Here are some random examples.</p>
<p>Does the school emphasize leadership? Are you a team captain, a take-charge committee leader, or the Pied Piper of the underclass? Explain.</p>
<p>Does the school have a student-managed honor code? Do you have experience in peer discipline, or great ideas to share about making it work? Elaborate.</p>
<p>Is there a “work hard/play hard” atmosphere at the school? Do you have an exceptional work ethic? Point it out.</p>
<p>What kind of community does the school foster? You’ll grow as a person by being a part of that community and making your contribution to it. You don’t have to go in blazing to change the school (they’re probably pretty happy with it the way it is, really) – you just need to show what qualities you have that mesh with that community. “I’m happiest in an environment where my best qualities are encouraged… that’s why X School’s philosophy of [diversity, collaboration, honor code, cutthroat competition, whatever] appeals to me so much… in high school, I’ve [brief anecdote or philosophy that will be bolstered by your ECs/grades/recs], and I’m looking forward to growing those personal qualities at X School.” (Yes, this wording stinks – it’s not meant to be copied and pasted. ;))</p>
<p>You might add some trivial examples too, which may not be as compelling but are very personal and demonstrate your interest in X School in spades.</p>
<p>Is the school crazy-proud of its volleyball team? Do you have a wicked spike? Say so.</p>
<p>Are all the photos in the student newspaper credited to a senior? Are you an amazing photographer? Mention how you’d love to replace the graduating photog.</p>