How do you know that Duke Received Enrollment info?

<p>I know in past years students cold look in "the D" to see their admission status change from "Accepted" to "Enrolled" once Duke received your reply card...but because this year the D is down, how will we know that the Admissions office received our card?</p>

<p>I guess we would just assume that they received it, but is there any concrete way to find out besides bothering the admissions office while they start RD evals?</p>

<p>I got a letter today that says Duke has received my reply card. A final school report is also enclosed. The letter was postmarked on December 22nd. Since I’m from NC, I received it pretty quickly. I guess it might take a bit longer for the letter to reach WA, depending on when you sent the reply card.</p>

<p>The D is a very mysterious system.</p>