how do you know when rutgers recieved ap scores?

<p>so i just found out that other colleges already got the 2012 ap scores yesterday.. and on my rutgers app status it says the last time they recieved something was yesterday so it has to be my ap scores.. does anyone know how to check to verify that they got it ??</p>

<p>Rutgers doesn’t have anything to indicate that they got your AP scores. When they do receive your score, they will make the appropriate changes to your schedule and when you receive that in august you should verify that they placed you into all of the correct classes. You won’t get any credit evaluation until September, and then all of the credit from your AP tests will show up in Degree Navigator.</p>

<p>Hey I just found out that my sister’s AP scores have been added to degree navigator so you can check to see if yours are up too
<a href=“CAS - Central Authentication Service NetID Login”>CAS - Central Authentication Service NetID Login;
Log in using your NetID and password and any AP credit will have “AP” as the grade and special code</p>