<p>My apologies for the long post. I figured that since no one else was answering, I would try to tell you as much as I could. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to know!</p>
<p>One of the things I love about Northwestern is my dorm. Not the facility itself, just the closeness of the community (I live in a residential college). I don’t know how it is at non-RCs, but from what I’ve heard, the community is much closer in the RCs. So that’s something I enjoy a lot; I’m really involved with my dorm.</p>
<p>I love my classes. I love the professors, because they’re all brilliant and interesting and a lot of them are very charismatic and friendly.</p>
<p>There are SO many clubs here, so you’re bound to find several that interest you. There are all the sports clubs, then there’s everything from the sign language club to the aerial artists’ club to the political and religious groups to all the dance groups to all the a cappella groups and choirs and all the theatre groups…and it goes on and on.</p>
<p>Personally, I also really just like the environment. The landscaping is gorgeous, and the lakefill and Lake Michigan are beautiful, and there are beaches nearby. Not to mention Chicago and Evanston have a ton of cool places and restaurants and stores.</p>
<p>Northwestern also has a lot of traditions that are fun to participate in (painting the Rock, doing the claw at football games, etc.). </p>
<p>Dillo Day is awesome.</p>
<p>It sounds cheesy, but I love the diversity. I come from a small town that is almost all white, all the same socioeconomic background, etc. It’s so cool to be here and just hear people speaking different languages everywhere you go, and see people of different races and cultures EVERYWHERE. Again, it sounds cheesy, but being here has really made me challenge and change some of my views of the world. I’ve learned a lot of perspective by being surrounded by people from so many different backgrounds with different opinions.</p>
<p>I would say that sports are pretty big here if you want them to be, but there are also lots of people that don’t attend sports events, so it’s not like if you’re not into sports you won’t fit in.</p>
<p>Lots of students go Greek, and lots don’t. So if that’s something you’re interested in, it can definitely add a lot to your experience, and if not, it’s not like you can’t have a social life.</p>
<p>As to how I picked Northwestern over other colleges…I would be lying if I said it wasn’t because of the prestige. NU was way more prestigious than the other schools I got into (with the possible exception of U of I, but their financial “award” was horrible), and I know that CC tends to look down on people who choose places for prestige, but it’s just something that was important to me. <em>shrug</em></p>
<p>But as I said, there are several other factors that make me love it here. And for most of them, I didn’t realize how important they would be to me until I’d already gotten here. So it’s interesting to see what things become important to you that you wouldn’t have thought about coming in.</p>
<p>You asked what everyday life is like, so I guess I’ll give a brief outline of a typical day for me, although this might not be a typical day for someone else:</p>
<p>-I go to classes. My first class is usually at 9 or 10 AM, but you can have classes that start earlier or later than that. My classes end anywhere between 1:50 PM and 4:20 PM (the 4:20 PM is for a lab, though. Most classes end earlier than that, I believe).
-I go to my work-study job for a few hours.
-If I’m being good, I do homework or study. If not, I’m on my laptop goofing off for hours. 
-I go to a dorm meeting or event if there’s one that I want to go to.
-I go to a club meeting/practice if my club is meeting that day.</p>