How do you list multiple,consecutive awards for the UCs?!

<p>I posted on this topic before, but I feel that I’m still confused. If you have awards that you won consecutively how do you properly list that? I don’t want to put each piano award I got from every year separately and fill up all 5 spaces with just that. I have other awards in debate, acad decath, and whatnot, but really if you can only put ONE date per award slot on the online application how is it even possible to condense the 3 consecutive awards in one slot?</p>

<p>Just for a concrete example..for instance:</p>

<p>MTAC Certificate of Merit: Branch Honors Recital Award ( I got them in April '05, '06, '07 for a total of 3)</p>

<p>*By the way do the UCs have any idea on the difficulty of obtaining certain awards and if they even heard of this piano one I just listed?</p>

<p>Put in the description. Use the date of the last award. The UC application has very poor interface. You can also put in the additional information about how hard it is to get these awards. Basically put forward all the information you can get to them so they can make an admission decision.</p>

<p>With the experience of the all the readers someone has heard of it or has researched the award so we can always find someone with knowledge of the awards.</p>