How do you make research look good, even if you don't get published?

Over the past few summers, I've been researching in a lab...the thing is, while I know what the lab is doing and knowledge about the stuff isn't advanced enough (even with AP classes) to actually do something that'll make admissions go "OMG, that's so cool"</p>

<p>I've been researching at the college (Penn) I want to apply...</p>

<p>So how do I make this look worthwhile (which it was), and make sure adcoms don't look at this with a roll of eyes?</p>

<p>Write an interesting essay about your experiences in the lab doing research.</p>

<p>just curious, how were you able to research there? Did you just email professors?</p>

<p>i wonder the same thing. anyone???</p>

<p>Being able to explain the research, your role in it, and its purpose, goes a long way, as does being able to demonstrate that you had sound experimental design, methodology, data analysis, and so on. Your supervisor at the lab may be able to talk about some of this in a letter of recommendation.</p>

<p>yeah, I emailed some random profs that looked interesting…</p>

<p>I think it was luck actually…I emailed so many, and i wasn’t sure who would reply…heck, whether or not i would get any replies…</p>