<p>Anything specific. How do you avoid getting overwhelmed? What do you do to relax?</p>
<p>Do things you enjoy... I guess there are three things I love to do in order to unwind a little, in the following order:</p>
<p>1) Watch Scrubs. Makes me laugh, a lot. It's a great way to take a break from doing work. Any show you like works fine.
2) Play super smash bros melee! The one videogame I will never, ever get tired of no matter how much I play. If I can find a friend who's willing to play, this always relieves stress.
3) Reading (for pleasure) - Often times I opt for the TV or videogames simply because the very thing that's causing me stress is reading textbooks or studying. But when my eyes aren't too strained from reading for class, I'll often break out a book that I'm currently reading that I enjoy.</p>
listen to music
take a long hot shower
eat ben and jerries ice cream</p>
<p>I definitely echo the long hot shower comment. In addition, I work. I feel better when I feel like I'm accomplishing something. So when I feel stressed, I just try to work through it. No matter how small the assignment (compared to everything else I have to do), finishing something feels like a huge load off of my shoulders.</p>
<p>watching porn</p>
<p>Pretty much anything can be used to divert your mind from studying. For me, the following do the trick:</p>
<p>1 - Lying in bed listening to relaxing music
2 - Sports (i.e. soccer, basketball)
3 - Super Smash Melee, for sure!</p>
<p>Also, and possibly above all, chatting with friends about random stuff can be the most relaxing thing in the world.</p>
<p>fight club!</p>
<p>gym yooooooo</p>