How do you max out scholarship hours?

<p>DS’S is a second term freshman on the presidential. I have seen on here where you can get up to 20 hours a term with the presidential. He was registering for fall term today and when he tries to go above 18 hours he gets blocked.</p>

<p>Does anyone have experience with registering for more than 18? Is there a special process or permission he needs to get to allow him to register for 20? He did 18 hours each semester this year with no issues but wants 20 hours in the fall.</p>

<p>My daughter mentioned needing special approval/clearance to take more than 18 credits. I believe by your advisor.</p>

<p>DS has registered today for 17 hours and is waiting for the override to add another class. He emailed his advisor to get the override. His advisor answered his email in about 30 minutes. However because the override had to come from another department, he has to wait until tomorrow to add the class.</p>

<p>I wonder if you can get these overrides for >18 credit hours before registration even begins? Or do you need to wait until your time slot to get approval? It must be frustrating to not be able to register for something during your designated slot.</p>

<p>aeromom - I am guessing that you probably could get the override when you first meet with your advisor if you have everything finalized at that point. In this case DS decided at the last minute he wanted to add a honors forum which moved him from 17 hours to 20 hours. Since he met with his advisor a week or two ago there was no need at that point.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help folks. Have texted DS to tell him all he needs to do is to request the override from his advisor.</p>

<p>Honors classes can be hard to get into, so I advised S to snag those first, and then get approval to add one of the core class (which puts him over the 18), later, after he gets the override. That way, he won’t miss out on getting into that honors class…and there are plenty of seats in the core class, if the override takes more than a couple hours to come through. I think the next time slot to open is 2 pm, and I see that already the honors classes he signed up for are full. This override procedure is handy to know, that’s for sure.</p>

<p>Course overloads (18+ hours in a semester) require a dean’s approval and then need to be entered into the system by someone at the UA registrar’s office. The one time I needed an override, I had the dean sign the required paperwork and then went over to the registrar’s office to make sure that the overload request was processed immediately as it was nearing the add/drop deadline.</p>

<p>Thanks SEA-tide, that mathces what DS was told by his advisor. Advisor said he didn’t have the authority and that DS would need to go to the Dean.</p>

<p>Just backing up your statement here as it may be helpful to futre posters.</p>

<p>DS only emailed his advisor. He got the override yesterday and already registered for the class.</p>