How do you spend your money?

<p>Are you stingy about money or a complete spendthrift? And how do you earn/get that money? Do you get an allowance or do you work or what?</p>

<p>I get $40 a month because my parents got tired of giving me money for school expenses, and little stuff here and there. Usually I spend it all, but only on/during school. I get the allowance for basically doing nothing- I'm pretty lazy and just have to clean my room and bathroom, but I help out with the laundry occasionally. No job. Stingy when it comes to money. Even for myself when I go out shopping by myself/friends with my own money, or even by myself/friends with my parents' money, I rarely buy anything because I view everything in the "Overpriced. why the eff are they charging so much for this piece of crap." attitude.</p>

<p>During Christmas/Birthday/any other occasion that I receive money as a present, I save it and put it in the bank; I don't ever spend it. I also don't ever withdraw from my account... Like, I have my own money, but I just don't spend it, while someone like my best friend spends all her/his money when she/he has money.</p>

<p>What about you?</p>

<p>Food, new Ender book, more food</p>

<p>FOOD. 10char</p>

<p>strippers and smokes</p>


<p>Occasionally food. But I rarely have any spending money =/</p>

<p>I don’t have money and the little I do get from Christmas/Birthday, my mom and sister usually spend. They keep claiming they’ll pay me back, they never do. If it weren’t for those two, I’d have quite a bit of money. I used to get an allowance, but now I just get a 5-pack of soda because it’s cheaper to buy them in bulk than individually at school (I need a soda to drink at school or else I fall asleep in the last three classes each day).</p>

<p>I get about $160 a week from work. Endless amounts from the parents.</p>

<p>In combination - New cell phones, clothes, books, magazines, Starbucks, sushi. Anything, really.</p>

<p>i gotta admit it. i’m cheap when it comes to using money…i don’t like to waste it so easily…i buy necessities…=]</p>

<p>I go long periods of time saving up for a semi-expensive/expensive thing like recently over the past few months, an acoustic guitar, several xbox games, and a new webcam. I don’t ever have “spending” money.</p>

<p>Either books or going to the movies with friends (on the blue moon that I actually go out with people -.-)</p>

<p>I get about $200 a week from my internship for frivolous spending. My parents pay for my necessities.</p>

<p>Money? What money?</p>

<p>My mum occasionally gives me money on whim, and that averages out to maybe $500 a year or so – usually I save it, though the main things that I spend it on are presents and groceries. I also have a credit card that I have free reign on (errrr, checked by a few restrictions actually) so I use that for my gas bill and the rare online purchase. I also eat out some times. ;]</p>

<p>I rarely spend money…I usually spend it on eating out or restaurants, and maybe a few big ticket overall.</p>

<p>i only make about $35 a week with my job, and that’s all the spending money i get, so i’m generally pretty thrifty. i spend a good amount on friends’ gifts and whatnot… sometimes clothes, sometimes books, etc.</p>

<p>Clothes. And food.</p>

<p>Wait…spend money? That is a new concept to me.</p>


ME TOO. I effing hate spending money… bah… like - the other day, actually, Saturday, after I did my SAT subject tests, I was driving home and it was already like 12:45pm and I kneeeew I didn’t have any food at my house, so I stopped by Taco Bell to get TAQUITOS [gomgomgog yes srsly i love taquitos… lol] - they were like 3 bucks! Lol. Yeah, I say that like 3 dollars is a lot, but seriously, that was paying for like a super tiny amount of food that I would finish in like 25 seconds, and then a drink that would be gone in like 2 minutes. Gaaaah. Srsly. Anyway, I spent the money but was still like “ehhh, 3 bucks? rrrghkl” - and yeah I hardly ever spend my money, I make 15$/hr but only work like 1 hour a week IF that [because recently I haven’t had time LOL, no time for ONE HOUR of work… yeaaah] so make like no money at all. So I just spend money on like food and the occasional bigger expense like a laptop :]</p>