How do you switch Discussions/classes?

<p>If you want to switch one of your discussion times to a different day, what do you have to do? Do you just drop and enroll on URSA or e-mail the T.As?</p>

<p>For one of my classes, we could just go to another TA's if we wished or liked them more... I think you should ask your TA first.</p>

<p>if there is space in the section you want to switch to, then you can just drop and add on URSA. if your discussion takes roll and participation is actually a part of your grade, then you might want to tell the TA's that you're switching to another section. if discussion is just show up and learn/ask questions without taking roll and all that, then you dont really have to tell them before hand (they probably wont notice/care anyways).</p>

<p>or you can just goto another section without actually enrolling. but the problem with doing that is you would still need to goto your enrolled TA to take quizzes and stuff (and this method is obviously not gonna work if they take roll in discussion).</p>

<p>Before switching, you should go to that discussion and check out the class first. Each TA has a different style of teaching. I'm planning on going to different discussion section, because the TA in my current one isn;t very good.</p>