<p>Consider it a life lesson. We have all had bad or difficult teachers, bosses, co-workers etc. Life isn’t always fair or easy. I guess it’s a little late to do anything about it now but think about what you could have done differently if faced with this situation in the future. My sons AP US History teacher told them on the first day he was not going to teach them anything to get them ready for the AP Exam. He only showed up half the time, showed irrelevant movies when he was there and gave them two tests all year! My son and his classmates took matters in their own hands, bought study guides, flashcards and other prep materials and studied together in order to get ready for the AP Exam. Complaining gets you no where. Look for the solutions. </p>
<p>You say literally a lot</p>
<p>OP literally needs to stop worrying about AP Calculus and concentrate on Bonehead English. </p>