How do you write the date on your paper? Slashes, dashes, or what?!


<p>or </p>


<p>I think I like the second one more.</p>

<p>Slashes. Less strain on my hands. Too much movement with the dashes.</p>

<p>April 18.
I don’t do these so-called “years”.</p>

<p>I’m scared for JHwu’s life.</p>

<p>Slashes FTW!!!</p>

<p>17 April 2010</p>

so 04/17/2010</p>


<p>thats how i roll</p>

<p>Thank you, Matt.</p>

<p>I just realized that I do it differently in foreign languages-
French: dimanche le 18 avril 2010
Spanish: el domingo 18 abril 2010
German: 18. April</p>

<p>The French and Spanish are just a convention foisted upon me by my teacher. Graagh.</p>

<p>I… don’t write the date LOL. well hardly ever. But when I do I write 18.4.10</p>

<p>argh after coming to this school I’ve lost the habit of putting the date on things but it’s usually;</p>

<p>17/09/97 or 13th of April 09 or dots. Dots or dashes or full, depending on my mood.</p>

<p>Where did September 17th 1997 come from??</p>

<p>haha I started putting down my birthday but realized it might not be the best idea so I changed it.</p>



<p>^^A lot of people have the same birthday, plus it’s in your public profile, so if that’s important for you to keep it confidential, you can change it so people can’t see it.</p>

<p>Dashes…usually. I’m slowly shifting over to slashes, though, I think.</p>

<p>In 7th grade we were learning to write checks during our career project thing (in which we got married and carried around rice bag babies…and our two rice children had the same name in each couple =P) and my advisor, the math teacher, said that she never heard of anyone using dashes and using slashes was the only way to do it.
I was slightly offended because I used dashes basically my whole date-writing life but acknowledged there were multiple ways of writing dates.
Oh, teachers.</p>

<p>I do slashes and non-American dating unless I’m writing to like a government or administration or something.
Sometimes, to avoid writing it month/day/year, I write “17th April 2010,” with “th” and the month in cursive.</p>

<p>We have to date all of our chem notes, and there I leave out the year. So just 17/4. However, when I date the start of each chapter of physics notes, I write April 17.</p>

<p>No it’s not that important for me. Oh and I use slashes, not dashes. And the non-American style! It seems soo weird for me to use the American style cuz I’ve studied in British-based systems.</p>

<p>I write the date European style - 18th April 2010. Day/month/year makes more sense to me (going in order from smallest to largest unit) so that’s how I write it. And I use dots - 18.04.10 - unless I’m filling out an official form.</p>

I would do 04/17/10.