How Does A Out-Of-State Student Calculate His UC GPA?

What do they count as weighted/honors? Only AP/IB??

Do UCs judge Out of state GPAs differently than in state bc in state they also weight honors classes higher right?

That is, do UCs look at out of state applicants’ UC GPAs differently because California residents’ GPAs also have a +1 weight because they count Honors classes (not just AP/IB) with more weight. They DO NOT do that with out of state, they only add +1 with IB/AP classes

What is a competitive UC GPA for Berkeley and UCLA for out of state?

Only AP, IB, and college courses count for +1 honors points if your high school is not at . See for more.

You can look at admit rates associated with various GPAs at . However, they do not account for different selectivity between different divisions and majors on the same campus.

More info on UC Freshman Profiles from 2015. Once the UC application opens in August, the updated profiles for 2016 will be posted.

Thank you @Gumbymom. I was wondering when they update the profiles.