How does admissions work with Tisch?

<p>Take photo for example.</p>

<p>The portfolio gets sent straight to the Photography and Imaging Department and the general application materials go to admssions office, what is the process from there?
Do they get together and go thru applications one by one?<br>
Does admissions say to Tisch, "Who do you want?".
Does Tisch say to admissions, "Who do you want?".
What if Tisch wants the applicant but admissions doesn't?
Does one department trump another?</p>

<p>We are just going a little nutso here waiting for ED to come.</p>

<p>NYU says both evaluations are weighted equally.
so I’d assume that means that each office has veto power.</p>

<p>I definitely think that, even though portfolio and academics are weighed 50/50, if they really like your portfolio, it’ll outweigh your academics.</p>

<p>I hope that’s the case anyway lol.</p>