How does Alabama recalculate GPA?

My school does a 100 point weighted scale with 3.3% weighting for honors and 6.6% for AP/IB etc. On the HC app, it says I have a 3.6486 GPA. The weighted GPA on my transcript is an 89.4583 weighted, so I have no idea how they got this number. Thoughts?

UA takes the GPA on the transcript.

Where did that 3.6 GPA come from on your HC app? Are you seeing that online? If so, it seems that’s what Bama put into its system.

Have you received a merit scholarship letter? When were you accepted?

Ok…so you have the Presidential. Looks like somehow Bama put in a more favorable GPA for you, you’re good!

Have you visited???

Ok, so you’re Jewish! Have you looked over Bama Hillel? Very active group. Very social and friendly. I belong to their FB group just so that I can let folks like you know how active they are.

How much will your parents pay each year for college? Seems like you have some issue with that.

Tuscaloosa also has a strong expert physician specializing in ADHD. Very popular, very successful. It’s his entire practice. Are you being treated?

I have not visited. I’m going in a couple of weeks though. I’m not actually sure what my parents are contributing - it could be $12k a year or double that. They are very vague about finances. I just started Vyvanse today, and I like it a lot. Unfortunately, I had a 2.10 GPA this semester at my CC for dual-enrollment, which I’m hoping won’t get me rescinded. I did look at the Hillel; they seem great. How much should I expect to contribute next year, as I remember you telling me that the dorms in the net price calculator were very expensive.

You won’t be rescinded. Your merit is based on grades 9-11. As long as you don’t flunk out, you’re fine. Avoid D’s too.

The dorms in the COA are the supersuites. If you choose a standard double, the rates are about $3k-4K cheaper.

Ask your parents if they’ll pay the approx $15k for room, board, books, fees.

Thanks. My parents actually only want to know what they pay the school - they don’t factor book/transportation.misc. stuff in because it varies by school. I looked on their website and it would be 10k/yr. with the cheapest dorms, which is 15k/yr. less than SUNY Binghamton, whose price is what my parents are willing to pay for school.


You need to deposit for enrollment and for housing!!!