<p>Obviously bad. I know that. I'm asking how severe is it. Application killer?</p>
<p>My predicted semester grades.</p>
<p>A,A,A,A,A,A, A, AND SMOKING F-. That F is 16% low. I didn't do crap in that class. It was of no interest to me. Seriously, are we expected to work hundreds of hours in our homes on a BS subject that I have no interest for? Anyway.... I will have 4 science credits but this failing subject is on a science subject nonetheless.</p>
<p>After this I'm thinking of community college but UIC is so bad it is almost like a community college. I can probably just go there for a year or two and apply for a transfer after showing maturity improvement perhaps if that is what the F will signify to them(lack of discipline and maturity?). Will this work? I really hate this class. I'm almost guarantee to fail it next semester as well. My counselor refused to drop the class. If anybody knows if I can somehow force them to drop it let me know. I really won't like it on my record but I can't do much about it. It is just too much work on my free time and not fun in any way.</p>