How does an F look on my transcript?

<p>Obviously bad. I know that. I'm asking how severe is it. Application killer?</p>

<p>My predicted semester grades.</p>

<p>A,A,A,A,A,A, A, AND SMOKING F-. That F is 16% low. I didn't do crap in that class. It was of no interest to me. Seriously, are we expected to work hundreds of hours in our homes on a BS subject that I have no interest for? Anyway.... I will have 4 science credits but this failing subject is on a science subject nonetheless.</p>

<p>After this I'm thinking of community college but UIC is so bad it is almost like a community college. I can probably just go there for a year or two and apply for a transfer after showing maturity improvement perhaps if that is what the F will signify to them(lack of discipline and maturity?). Will this work? I really hate this class. I'm almost guarantee to fail it next semester as well. My counselor refused to drop the class. If anybody knows if I can somehow force them to drop it let me know. I really won't like it on my record but I can't do much about it. It is just too much work on my free time and not fun in any way.</p>

<p>it will be bad, but I don't think it means only community college. there are schools in between CC's and the really selective schools. that's still not that bad of a GPA.</p>

<p>I had a similar situation. There was an English class which I had absolutely NOOOOO interest in. Teacher droned on and on; I could not stand it. I got on the teacher's bad side by being a smart-ass and ended up with a D (second semester senior year though) I still ended up being accepted to my first choice (Top 30 U.S News)</p>

<p>I got two Ds my sophomore year- they were only Ds because I managed to pass by two points. Both in important classes- german and geometry. However I just got into two smaller LACs that are kind of selective.</p>

<p>Don't worry, I don't think that one grade will doom you to community college.</p>

<p>it definately won't ruin you, but it will be noticable. just request interviews/meetings with the adcoms at the schools you're looking into to discuss any discrepencies, in your case, that F. from what i know colleges are willing to overlook a poor mark or two (i can't speak for ivies or really competetive schools, though) if you have a good reason and strong personal attributes. so make sure your reason isn't just "i hated the class, it was lame" and accept responsibility for the grade... you'll be fine. talking to someone at the school helps.</p>

<p>some advice= get over being bored in the class...that is how life is, you will have to sit through some stupid lectures, some boring meetings, and think about this</p>

<p>you seem to be a smart kid, just making a stupid choice, yes stupid choice to blow off this class, something that as you can see, could affect you for the next 2-4 YEARS of your life, closing out options perhaps in your choices of colleges
If you yourslef at a community college, where you may be taking classes that are going to not be super difficult, do you think you wouldn't sometimes be bored as well, will you be able to buck up and just do the work?</p>

<p>Are you going to be motivated there? I am going to take a stab and say no</p>

<p>There is nothing wrong with comunity college, but you will not succeed there if your attitude of not doing anything tedious or non thrilling does not change</p>

<p>And how are you going to explain it to someone? Your excuse itself is the flag, not just the grade</p>

<p>SOme kids get a bad grade but work hard, and it bored me, well, you need to come up with a better answer</p>

<p>I think you will still get into some colleges, they may "watch" you, etc when you are there, so be sure and deal a bit better with the classes you find boring in school...because no matter the college it is possible to get a bad prof...</p>

<p>good luck and don't worry, you will find a wonderful place to go to school, just try an pass the class, the change in attitude toward it will be useful when in college....</p>

<p>i concur with mom ;)</p>

<p>yea, when i was in Taiwan we'd no choice. The school picked classes for us. And i absolutely hate painting, i've no talent whatsoever. The teacher was mean and horrible and was looking for every opportunity to deduct students' grades. I didn't smart talk, i didn't wine, because that's what real life is like, sometimes you'll meet someone that you'll HATE. The person might be your boss, and you just have to deal with it.</p>

Seriously, are we expected to work hundreds of hours in our homes on a BS subject that I have no interest for?


<p>Short answer - yes, you are.</p>

<p>JUST DROP THE CLASS if you don't need it.</p>

<p>why didn't you just do that earlier?</p>




<p>mm... well in my school if you fail a class and can retake it, and maybe reschedule another class. Does that work at your school?</p>

<p>Why would you do that?! It's not worth it!</p>

<p>The F is over and will go on your transcript, but you should at least make an effort in it next semester.</p>

<p>I had a class I really hated last year.
it was a spanish class and the teacher was horrible. no one understood anything and everyone hated it.
I was sure I was going to fail the class (like almost everyone else), but I didn't complain (everyone else complained constantly), so the teacher ended up giving me a higher grade...</p>

<p>My youngest last year HATED world history, she found the teacher boring, trite, and unimaginative...BUT D saw the bigger picture, saw, her goals, and plugged away...she got a respectable grade...and learned how to get through something that in her words "put her into a coma"....</p>

<p>so, the past is the past, but the attitude needs to be adjusted regarding doing boring things if you want to succeed in college</p>

<p>what are your interests and what was the class...</p>

<p>my oldest D hated Calc, she saw no use for her intended major, didn't see why she had to take it EVER, but she realized it was something she would just have to get through to get to where she wanted to go</p>

<p>once she started looking a colleges, she saw so many options at the schools she wished to attend, that gave her the motivation to do well, not great, but not an F either</p>

<p>my point is that sometimes you just have to suck it up and do the work to get to where you want to be</p>

<p>I completely agree - that was the lesson my mom taught me... it's amazing how parents get smarter as we (kids) age. </p>

<p>She explained that part of the high school epxerience involves learning how to deal with people that aren't the most wonderful people in the world. For example, if we find a coworker who is really anoying, we can't just get an 'F' in the class - whether by punching him, or refusing to work, or whatever - we need to learn to deal with it. I don't think getting an F was the right choice. But I guess this whole thing - high school - is a great big learning experience... no matter how much we like it or not.</p>

<p>"My counselor refused to drop the class. If anybody knows if I can somehow force them to drop it let me know."</p>

<p>Since you're asking, i'm assuimg that F is not your final mark. At my school, our GCs are very lazy, so if parents start complaining to them, they'll just give in. One person at my school, lied to their GC saying that a particular course was raising her blood pressure, and that she could support that claim with a doctor's not (which she didn't have but GC was too lazy to ask). GC dropped the course for her in a second (This was a month b4 summer holiday).</p>

<p>Please listen. You already predicted that next term you will also get an F. That's your mistake. You should not give the power to that ONE TEACHER to take down your dreams. Instead, you should vow to make an A next term. Then you will be able to explain the F as a fluke. My daughter got a "D" in a math class (the reasons do NOT matter). The next term she got a high B. It never hurt her b/c she flipped it around. They probably figured her dog died that term. If you get two F's in a row...and you're capable of better...then you are doing this to yourself. Don't let that happen.</p>

<p>opps sorry didn't really read it the first time.</p>

<p>Well the problem is, at some schools it will be, after first 9 weeks, withdraw failing, so your consulor might be looking out for your best interests there. </p>

<p>but if you have the credits you can get your parents involved and in schools they have to go by parent override, or else they might be looking at a lawsuit or something. and if the consulor won't drop it then, go to the admin with your parents. something is bound to happen.</p>

<p>but even so, i'd try to bring the grade up to passing, even tho it is low, like to a D and then get out... then it will be a withdraw passing instead if a withdraw failing (atleast at my school) and you can just tell the school you want to go to that your course work was too hard and decided to drop this unwanted class.</p>

<p>WORK THE SYSTEM!! :)</p>

you can just tell the school you want to go to that your course work was too hard


<p>I have to disagree here. The last thing you want to tell a college is that your course work was too hard! It won't make them want you to come to their school!</p>