How does CC work?

I plan on getting a degree in International Relations, and I am currently attending Community college with plans to transfer. Once I transfer, do I attend University for only 2 years rather than 4, since I completed my first two years in CC? thanks in advanced

Depending upon how many transfer credits you have, then it usually takes 2 years to complete your Bachelor’s Degree.

First 2 years are filled with pre reqs for your major. Look at a university that offers a degree in International Relations and the courses that need to be completed or in the progress of being completed before applying. It should say what sequences of which courses and how many credits in English, math, and etc. you need. Those requirements should take around 2 years to complete at the CC. Once you transfer you’ll be either finishing some higher level pre reqs that weren’t offered at your CC or be admitted into your major. That’ll take another 2 years. So yes, 2 years at CC and 2 years at Uni will you your degree.

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