Any people attending Duke care to share? Is it Email, letter, live musical performance? Thick packet acceptance, thin packet rejection? This is more of a vent post than anything please send help.
I’m also curious about it…
I’m not sure about early decision, but for regular decision we had to log into our Duke application account, and the letter with our decision would be posted there. We were also later sent a nice big folder with a print copy of our letter, information about Blue Devil Days, stuff to do if we decided to matriculate, pamphlets about why Duke is so great and yada yada for parents, and stickers! Hope that helps quell your curiosity
I know this is a nerve-wracking time…
My daughter was accepted ED last year. She logged into the Duke application website and the acceptance letter was posted there.
Do ED students get the “big packet” too after they are accepted or do they have to wait until regular decision results are in to get one? I know in some places early applicants have to wait for a few months until they get all the pamphlets and information in the mail because the school sends them after all decisions, wondering if it’s the same for duke.