How does getting accepted to College of Engineering Line up work for Auto Admit Students?

<p>I have a friend whose child is a current junior in a Texas high school and will graduate easily top 10%. His ACT score is now a 25, including a 25 on the math section. </p>

<p>If a student is an auto admit, meets the Math 25 ACT score, and completes the full application right when the application season begins, will he be automatically admitted into the College of Engineering? (I know that beginning Fall 2014 it won't be for a specific engineering field).</p>

<p>I read old threads from November about auto admits not getting into the Dwight COE, but I wasn't sure if this was because of low test scores or because they applied so late in the season that the automatic spots were filled.</p>

<p>As far as I know there is no automatic admission to engineering. But applying early greatly increases your chances. If he is top 10% and applies early he should get engineering. The 25 ACT and 25 math will not help. They are a bit low for engineering.</p>

<p>A&M COE accepts auto admit students on a rolling basis up to a point- this year it was 85%. I’d imagine that next year it will probably be lower, and therefore fill up faster. Apply early to maximize chance of acceptance. I agree that the 25 ACT is low relative to the average of 30 for the 2017 class. Unless the score doesn’t reflect true math aptitude (i.e., testing nerves, etc…) he might want to consider alternatives. Here is the admission test score breakout for 2013 admissions: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;