How does my Spring 2011 schedule look? Level of difficulty?

<p>ENGE 1114
Engineering Exploration Design
Instructor: T. Knotts</p>

<p>ENGL 1106
Freshman English
Instructor: Michael Smith</p>

<p>MATH 1206
Calculus II
Instructor: Jessica Schmale</p>

<p>MATH 1224
Vector Geometry
Instructor: Heath D. Hart</p>

<p>PHYS 2305
Foundations of Physics Lab
Instructor: Mark Pitt</p>

<p>PHYS 2305
Foundations of Physics
Instructor: Chang</p>

<p><em>For some reason I had to add a Free Time CRN. I have no clue what it is for since I took a summer class equivalent of ENGE 1024.</em></p>

<p>So what do you think? Do you think I should add a CS programming class since I am either going to major in Aerospace or Mechanical? Any opinion on the major I am looking at? Opinions on instructors if you have had them before? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Looks like a pretty average engineering schedule. Don’t transfer out of Chang’s class. </p>

<p>The Free Time CRN is a time that is sat aside in case they have some sort of speaker they want you to go to. Most weeks you won’t have to do anything during that time period.</p>

<p>I heard through the grapevine that Chang isn’t teaching PHYS 2305 this semester. Your instructor should’ve been changed to “staff”.</p>

<p>Wow. Now I’m pretty upset. I have been so looking forward to physics with Chang and now he isn’t teaching it. That really sucks. I hope that grapevine rumor isn’t true.</p>

<p>Yeah I requested Chang, and when course request results came out, I got him. But then a few weeks later it got changed to Staff. And a kid on my hall who has him this semester said he wasn’t teaching physics next semester. That’s all I heard. I think he is teaching quite a few ESM courses next semester. If you look under ESM in The Timetable of Classes he’s listed a couple of times.</p>

<p>I had basically that schedule + honors seminar + linear algebra for my first fall semester.</p>

<p>Linear algebra + honors seminar weren’t any work though, so you’ll probably have a similar experience.</p>

<p>Vector’s like a more difficult linear algebra in terms of the “just do the work and practice quizzes and you’ll ace it” type thing. Calculus is similar too if yours has empo tests. English wasn’t hard (I had LoMascolo) so just do the writing, read whatever book you’re doing, and you’ll be fine. Physics will depend on how smart you can study and prepare for the tests. I had Chang for 2305 so it was easy, but still did well in 2306 with Kim. GO TO OFFICE HOURS. Nobody in 2305/2306 goes to office hours and the professors are completely different people and way more helpful 1x1.</p>

<p>K00fers still has Chang as my instructor. I put my CRN’s into their database and it still came up as Chang. When I course requested for Chang, it still came up as staff. Maybe the guy in your hall was referring to another Chang. I know there are like 3. When I was course requesting during Calc I last semester, I was talking to a few of my classmates and all of them were working their schedules around Chang so they would have him in class. I did the same thing.</p>

<p><a href=“http://preview.■■■■■■■.com/47g6law[/url]”>http://preview.■■■■■■■.com/47g6law&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That is the Spring 2011 schedule page for Chang. Maybe it hasn’t been updated to reflect professor changes?</p>

<p>The timetable of classes is much more reliable than *******. It has “T Chang” teaching the following classes next semester:</p>

<p>ESM 2204 T R 330-445
ESM 2204 T R 800-915
ESM 2304 M W F 800-850
ESM 2304 M W F 1115-1205</p>

<p>I signed up for PHYS 2305 originally with Chang as the instructor on M W F from 1115-1205. The instructor has since been changed to “Staff.” And, as you can see, my PHYS 2305 class conflicts with Chang’s ESM 2305 class that he is listed as teaching. I’m pretty sure these rumors are true. I know, it sucks. A lot of kids will probably be *****ing about it.</p>

<p>Unfortunately it is true. My physics professor was added today. I have Matthew Joyce. I am looking up reviews on him now. =(</p>