How does rushing work?

<p>If I wanted to rush for a fraternity, how would I go about doing that? I know it's in the summer and I know there's a website but it isn't very specific with the details. Any information is appreciated!</p>

<p>An application will be posted on the TCU Greeks IFC page. Complete that and pay the fee. Double check that the IFC office received your application and fee because I have heard of some not being in the computer come Formal Rush Week in August. </p>

<p>Once your application is in, you basically wait until you get to campus unless you live close to Fort Worth. Fraternities do host summer events but so many kids are from out of state now so I’m not sure how that is handled. Definitely tell kids you meet along the way (Frog Camp, Orientation, Welcome Week) that you will be going through rush. Formal rush week is the first week of school. You’ll go to a week of meet and greets and parties at the houses. It’s a great way to meet people even if you don’t pledge. </p>

<p>Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.</p>