How does stanford recalculate GPA

<p>I heard that they dont use freshman year or middle school classes (so only 10th and 11th grade)...</p>

<p>However, does anyone know the exact scaling system.</p>

<p>(1) Is it weighted?
(2) Do they have A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0...
or do they incorporate plus/minuses so that its more like A=4.0, A-=3.7.B+=3.3...</p>

<p>Thanks because if they have the +s/-s, my GPA goes down like 0.1 almost</p>

<p>they do not recalculate gpa</p>

<p>wait really? i thought they did…?</p>

<p>I don’t think they do. they just discount your frosh grade. With top schools its not about gpa. ITs bout the # of Bs you have.</p>

<p>I don’t know for sure but I think they might. Here is their page on gpa calculation for undergrads</p>

<p>[Grade</a> Point Averages (GPA)](<a href=“]Grade”></p>

<p>On the page it says “The GPA is used for admissions or degree progress requirements by academic and administrative departments.”</p>

<p>That says admissions so I take that to mean they recalculate. What it says there is that they count +/- so A+ is 4.3, A is 4.0, A- is 3.7 etc. I really don’t know for sure though so don’t take my word for this.</p>

<p>^that wuld be lame. My school does not even do +/-.</p>

<p>ok thanks
ahh i shouldnt worry about it, dont know why i worry about these little things, but the reason i asked is for people like Trickstylez, i was wondering how colleges can equate their grades with grades that use +s/-s (and i thought one of these posts i read said that stanford discounts +s/-s)</p>

<p>oh well, i got like a B+ and like 4 A-s from last year to end of semester this year (so still like 3.9GPA) but i dont think 3.9 and 3.98 (if they dont do that that +s/-s thing) will make that big of a difference, considering i took like 10 APs </p>

<p>yea my school doesnt have A+s either…</p>

<p>frog139, I’m pretty sure that’s only for people actually in Stanford undergrad.</p>