So College Board has released 2 books w/released tests, The Official Study Guide for All Subject Tests & Real SAT 2s (older tests). I hope to make better decisions when I take the tests, & thanks in advance, so I'll start it off (I took these last school year)</p>
<p>MATH LEVEL 1:</p>
<p>MATH LEVEL 2:</p>
<p>BIOLOGY ECOLOGY: a lot harder than Real SAT 2s, harder than Official Study Guide for All SAT Subject Tests</p>
<p>CHINESE WITH LISTENING: about the same level as the released tests</p>
<p>To be honest, I feel like the practice tests that are released by Collegeboard are so much easier than the real tests. Since Collegeboard makes the tests, they can't exactly make their practice tests too similar to their real tests. I've only flipped through one of the Collegeboard subject test books at the book store and just decided not to get it since the practice tests seemed too easy and there wasn't a lot of in depth review.</p>
<p>I'm going to go off topic and recommend books that people have recommended to me.
Literature - Kaplan and Princeton Review. Kaplan has more practice tests. (Barron's tests are ridiculous but if you need a good review of literary terms, it has a gazillion term defined, but then...it might overwhelm you).
US History - Kaplan
Math IIC - Barron's
Biology E/M - Barron's and Kaplan. Barron's has more practice tests but Kaplan covers more information.</p>
<p>but i have to credit college board for the chinese exam. i took it last year - i think it was easier than the one in the book. or maybe that's just me.</p>
<p>Kaplan was really good for US History. I was pretty surprised! Great review and good practice questions.</p>
<p>Math II-Definitely Barrons. The problems are alot harder than the actual test so don't freak out when you get a really low practice test score. Great review section. I heard Princeton Review wasn't too bad either.</p>
<p>The collegeboard book is still good for practice though. It helps you with timing and some similar questions showed up on the actual test. It's a little easier though.</p>
<p>I thought the bluebook was a bit unrealistically easy...</p>
Physics: 800/710
Chemistry: 770/710
Math 2: 730/630</p>
<p>Infact I was so shocked at how hard the real tests were when I took in october, I spent the entire month studying and just re-took all three yesterday, hopefully with much better results.</p>
<p>Thank you everyone for your input! I'm still contemplating whether to take Chemistry, Math Level 1, and World History at the end of the school year (June). </p>
<p>lolcats: Congratulations! I did badly on the Biology test in the blue book but did well on the actual.</p>
<p>Martin_sage: Thanks, I’m going to take the SAT World History in June; thanks for warning me. I’m sure you didn’t do that bad. I read the whole World History thread & I think that some of the things that everyone agreed on are wrong. I don’t know…I think that for example, Mao & Kai Shek did not both not agree on communism. (Sorry…bad English!)</p>
<p>I didn’t take this administration, but I also read some other threads & I can offer Bio test takers some help! I took it & got 800 - I got like 3 wrong. I took the May 2008 administration…it was relatively harder than this one I think (according to the discussion…& maybe b/c AP students tend to take it then). I was not in AP Biology. (I took Bio E). So the Biology test is harder than the BB one.</p>
<p>BTW, does anyone have the older edition of the Blue Book? There are different sets of tests in that book. It’s from a few years back, the questions are similar, though.</p>
<p>I also say that Mao and Chiang Kai-shek didnt agree on communism:) Chiang was pro-western!
Anyway, I’ll tell you what my score is when it comes out:) I used Barrons WH and I really recommend it! Good luck in June!</p>
<p>BIO E: I also had 3 wrong but I got 790… weird^^ harsher curve on mine in October</p>