How does the admissions process work?

<p>Let's simulate this:</p>

<p>APPLICATION from JOHN DOE enters the admissions office. What's next?</p>

<p>To my knowledge:</p>

<li>Information is entered into computer database.</li>
<li>Application receives a folder. Is not read until entire application is complete.</li>
<li>When all parts have been compiled, an admissions counselor will read it and make a decision. What they are looking for and how much weight any one component receives depends on the school. Typically, the adcom is a regional counselor meaning they read all hte applications from your area.</li>
<li>Usually, another adcom who is not responsible for the region will also read it. Or a group of adcoms will review it together.</li>

<p>Rarely is there a special formula that determines if one is accepted or rejected. It’s given a holistic read once all components are ready. I don’t know of any other rituals or events that occur within the admission offices.</p>

<p>It’s a pretty vague process; it will vary considerably school to school.</p>