How Does the High School Transcript Info Get Transmitted?

<p>I don't see this element spelled out anywhere. Probably it is so simple that I've missed it...</p>

<p>But if an applicant is doing everything electronically, who sends the transcript and how does the student applicant initiate this?</p>

<p>It seems like the counselor should do it, but I don't see something that explicitly tells him/her to send the transcript...</p>

<p>Your counselor can either use the Common App's online counselor site to send electronic documents (many schools have records systems that allow them to generate PDFs of transcripts and profiles) or send paper to your schools.</p>

<p>This is why you are asked to input your counselor's information on your Common App. They will be sent information about getting into the online counselor site.</p>

<p>However, you should follow up with them in case they will be submitting paper to make sure they have the forms they need (counselors often keep a copy of the Common App school forms on hand).</p>

<p>This was also covered on this</a> page. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>It seems odd that his is not explained anywhere. And shouldn't the common app provide the addresses for the transcripts so tha they don't go astray, if they expect the paper copies to be sent?</p>

<p>Thanks for the explanation. I guess the online common app is just not too well thought through.</p>

<p>Putting that last thought as a question, does anyone see a place where the correct address to send a paper transcript from the high school to each university is located on the common app site?</p>