How does the Roommate Search Work?

HI! Thanks to everyone for all of the amazing info so far. I am wondering how your kids found their roommates? Is there a Facebook page that opens up in November? Or was it just by searching through keywords from the housing applications on the my housing site? Or did they meet up at a Bama Bound session?
Also, when is the actual housing selection?

A lot of students find their roommates via a combination of using the roommate search app on the UA Housing site AND Crimson mail AND the Facebook page or pages (there is probably of UA Class of 2020 Student page already started?) The Facebook page(s) are non-official pages…not handled by UA…so please proceed with caution.

Actual housing selection was right around May 1st or 2nd when my son did it in spring 2014. Good luck!

DS found one roommate through the housing site at UA. Basically the guy just responded to his profile. Never “spoke” with again until they moved into the dorm. I found the guys were less interested in setting up roommates than the girls were.

We did pay the housing deposit early to guarantee DS the opportunity of picking his own housing. He chose the dorm he wanted, the section and then went from there w/ what was available. Since there were only the 2 of them, he had a lot more choices. Had enough time to check out the profiles of the other kids, switched once (my suggestion), and ended up in a dorm with 3 really terrific young men.

@laralei Thanks :slight_smile: I don’t really understand how it works. Do you mean that he found one roommate prior to choosing a room, and then found the others somehow after he had chosen a room? How did he “switch” once? Sorry for the rookie ignorance!

As others have mentioned, unless kids have friends locally they want to room with, they find roommates via the UA housing site and social media. Some meet at Greek preview, honors day visits, recruitment events, ect. Bama bound is after room selection. Boys seemed to be less into this process than girls. The whole thing seems really confusing but I promise it’s not. You are assigned a time to pick a room (you pick an actual room you want) based on when the housing deposit was made. During your time, you can “pull in” the room any confirmed roommates or if a confirmed roommate has an earlier time, they can pull you in. You can also continue to change rooms during any subsequent room picking times. It’s really early to be thinking about this. While there are definitely kids that know for sure they are going to UA, most don’t. We saw lots of kids last year think they had roommates set, only to have them decide after April 1 acceptances came through that they were going somewhere else. Keep asking any questions you may have! Bama parents are the best for advice and support!

DS did not decide on Bama until after spring break. I had met moms through CC who had sons that seemed very compatible. DS didn’t care where he ended up! So we moms suggested they room together. All 4 boys were good with that and are in apartment together this year - their sophomore year. One of the boys had put the deposit down in October and had an early selection slot. They got in their preferred dorm and floor.