How does the waitlist work?


I was deferred and then waitlisted in-state (Engineering), and am confused as to how the waitlist works. The Fall 2016 yield for in-state engineering was 49%.

I thought I had a pretty good shot of getting in (but that doesn’t matter now). Either way, I think my stats are pretty good to maybe get admission to UVA off the waitlist.

Here are my stats:

How do they call people off the waitlist, and what do you have to do exactly? Do stats matter during this process? Or is it random? Will I maybe get called off the waitlist (based on stats)?

Any reply would be much appreciated.

If you click the link in your decision letter in SIS, you’ll get the FAQs, which explain the process.

Also check out my waiting list posts on the blog from past years. I think they can help you see how the timing typically works.

Okay, thank you!