How does this first semester schedule look?

BCE 101 009 Undergraduate 2.000 Standard Letter Grade Freshman Compass: UA (Req. for my coke scholarship)
UH 103 001 Undergraduate 1.000 Pass/Fail HnAction:HYO Alabama Action
EN 103 015 Undergraduate 3.000 ABC/NC grade only Advanced English Composition
MATH 112 041 Undergraduate 3.000 ABC/NC grade only Precalculus Algebra
MUS 121 004 Undergraduate 3.000 Standard Letter Grade Intro To Listening
CL 222 001 Undergraduate 3.000 Standard Letter Grade Greek Roman Mythology
EC 110 320 Undergraduate 3.000 Standard Letter Grade Honors Prin Of Microeconomics
18 hours but 1 isn’t a class and 2 is what I will assume is an easy class.

All classes tuesday and Thursday

Should be no issue.

UH 103 will be completed the week before you start your other classes. MUS 121 may require additional hours outside of class (attending concerts, etc?). Overall looks like a great start! What is your intended major?

doing MIS with a possible minor in CS. I have heard CL 222 can be difficult but I (as childish as it sounds) have absolutely loved mythology since I read the Percy Jackson books so I’m not worried about that too much.

My daughter took CL222 and she did not find it difficult at all. That looks like a pretty easy schedule that will give you plenty of time to acclimate to college.

I don’t like seeing freshman taking all their classes on Tues and Thurs. You could end up having several tests on ONE day.

I agree with M2CK. I think having all classes on just two days makes for a tough schedule in terms of assignments, regular tests and finals. It can also be risky if your student should become ill, they will miss several classes and a lot of work all in just one day.

That was a red flag for me, too. When I was in college, Tuesday and Thursday classes were 90 minutes twice a week (as opposed to 60 minutes three times a week), not counting labs. I always found them harder to sit through.