<p>Background info:
- My major is Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
- I'm a Spring Admit attending FPF (maximum of 4 courses)
- I got a 4 last year on the English Language AP exam
- 5 on Calc AB last year, not as confident I'll get a 5 this year though</p>
<p>I can't start on any EECS courses because FPF doesn't offer them, so I figure I'll get the second half of my English requirement out of the way with English R1B (assuming I get placed into that, which I should, right?)</p>
<p>For Math my options are basically 1B or nothing at all if I get a 5 on the Calc BC AP exam this year, but even if I do get a 5 I think it might be beneficial to take it at Berkeley before progressing in Math. Would this be a good idea?</p>
<p>Other than that I'll just be taking breadth courses, and none of them really pertain to EECS so I figure I'll go with Music 27 because I'm interested in music and History 7B to get the American History requirement out of the way. Also, does History 7B count for American Cultures and American History? I'm not exactly sure how that works.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance, I'm pretty much set on these choices but I just want to be sure I'm not making a bad decision for whatever reason or missing out on a course that might be more beneficial in the future.</p>
One more thing, any recommendations on which teachers I should try for or how I should (try to) make my schedule?</p>