How does UM compare to the following schools?

<p>Ok i have been accepted at Miami, my first choice but i have also been accepted at several other school (Purdue, Ohio State and Michigan State). I want to do accounting. Is it worth going to Miami over those schools? My parents like Purdue but i really dont want to go that far out. So honestly, Is Miami better academically than those school and reputation wise. I really eventually want to get a job in Florida once I graduate but yet im sure i could get that from purdue and the other big tens. Need help.</p>

<p>Alright I don't know everything but i think i can help you with this. I am from the midwest and know a whole lot about those schools. First off, while Ohio State pretty much dominates on the athletic side, there academics are not the same. There acceptance rate is incredibly high and really are not highly ranked. The same is with Michigan St. That is where all the people go who couldn't get into Michigan which is the better school. And Purdue is a great school for engineereing. Business not so much. On the otherhand, Miami offers a private education that is ranked ahead of all of those. But do not get me wrong. All of the big 10 schools offer a good education as well as the 3 u r considering. So if money might be an issue or you want to go to the traditional "huge" campus, those schools might be better. Weigh what you like about all the schools and decide from there. But straight academics wise Miami is the best school and also will help you get the best job in Florida as Floridians (?) really know the value of a UM degree. Just ask if you have any more questions.</p>

<p>Agree with canes3618. From what I have heard, your comments are correct.</p>

<p>one thing im really worried about is the actual looks of the campus since its in an urban area. Ive been to Miami a lot and I LOOOVE Miami but the campus i have only seen passing by from the outside. are the buildings on campus mostly just cement blocks or interesting architecture. what about campus itself, lots of trees with shady lawns or just a huje plot of cement?
Whats student body like? most ppl tell me theres a ton of everybody but yes u have snobs etc... enlighten me :D</p>


<p>The physical campus is beautiful, although I would not consider the architecture "interesting". It is Florida and cement holds up in a hurricane. LOL </p>

<p>There are lots of palms, banyans, lawns and flowers everywhere and the campus is centered around a lake with a fountain in the center. The feeling is that of a resort, nothing urban about it. Tons of really interesting birds, ducks, and of course ibis are all around along with the occasional croc seen sunning himself by the fountain. There are no roads running through the main part of the campus, just on the perimeter which makes for a great tranquil, walking setting. The HurryCane buses shuttle kids around the campus and also to the beach, shopping center and Coconut Grove. </p>

<p>Kids are always out playing on the IM fields, sunning themselves on the lawns and hanging out by the pool. There are lots of tables and chairs and benches set up all around campus and there are several outdoor drink and snack carts. The Rathskellar has outdoor glider tables are really cool. UM has plans for several campus improvement projects and I'm sure you will see the specs during your tour. I think you will love the campus. </p>

<p>There have been a lot of threads about the student population. If you search through the last few pages of the UM forum, I'm sure you will get the info you're looking for. </p>

<p>Enjoy your visit.</p>

<p>They keep taking the crocs out, and they just keep returning. LOL. I guess they like campus too! ;) Who knows, I may be back full-time to this forum M-3-S, son said the grad school interview at Miami was very impressive....:)</p>

<p>1tcm-I knew you couldn't stay away! I'm so glad the interview went well. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>LOL the crocs keep coming :D.... i can picture them sun bathing on the Oceola Lake LOL!!! lol...</p>

<p>Wat about cars? My parents told me i cant get a car till second semester?
Will I feel out of place without a car, or most freshman's dont drive vehicles their first semester and or year?</p>

<p>Cars do make it easier to get around the area, but there are many, many kids without cars. I like the idea of kids getting used to college life and their new area without the responsibility of a car. My S and his roommate did not have cars their first year and they were just fine. Kids use the HurryCane shuttles, get rides from friends and share taxis. I never heard my S say he stayed home because of lack of transportation. :)</p>

<p>Acarta07, I was an accounting major and lawyer and attended both Ohio State for undergrad and Miami for law school. Thus, I have some insight, although my perceptions are from many years ago. I do, however, keep up with what is going on in each school.</p>

<p>I like both Ohio State and Miami for accounting. I don't think that you can go wrong with either one. However, they have a VERY different culture and campus feel.</p>

<p>Ohio State is VERY impersonal. You have a LARGE number of students and a LOT of course offerings accordingly. Also, most kids are from Ohio. Univ of Miami has a much small school feel to it, more nurturing and a surprisingly large number of offferings for its size. Thus, you get the advantages of a small school with Miami combined with some of the big school attributes of having a number of major choices. In addition, Miami has a more geographic diversity to their student population than that of OSU.</p>

<p>However, to have this, Miami tuition isn't cheap and is much more expensive than that of OSU.</p>

<p>OSU also is in Columbus,which isn't the most fun city in the world, not to mention has crappy weather compared to Miami. Miami has a LOT of things to do and see.</p>

<p>I would also guess that the average kid at Miami is a bit more academiclly prepared than that of OSU, but OSU probably gets more of the very top kids due to its cheaper tuition and emphasis on recruiting national merit kids.</p>

<p>OSU also had, at the time, a quarterly system that ended every 10 weeks. Thus, you average 15 finals per year or more vs. Miami's 10 finals per year. However, with Miami being on a semester system, there is more to learn in each semester.
Bottom Line: they have a very different culture. You really need to check out each school and evaluate the net cost to you as well.</p>

what a coincidence cause I plan on doing the same thing. Accounting with possibility of doing some law. This really helped a ton.
How hard was getting a job at the end from Miami? Also, if u dont mind sharing, was the starting salary any good? I know its sort of rude to ask, but starting salary is something I look at in schools. To be honest I am a lil money minded in that sence. I dont want to work hard throughout my University life to end up getting a really crappy job with a low salary. u know wat i mean?</p>