How does your final scheule look??

<p>I was wondering when everybody's finals are going to over! :D</p>

<p>For me, i'll be done on the 17th.</p>

<p>I took care of 2 finals yesterday (Oceanography (ANNOYINGGG)) and yoga (I hated how I had partially to study for.. yoga. urg). I have two more finals on the 11th, (life drawing (project)), Avant-garde cinema in Los Angeles (written) one on 15th (animation (project)) and the last one on the 17th (Animation (project)). I had 18 U this sem. :)</p>

<p>3 of my final are semester long projects that's been stressing me out and taking forever however, so I have one written final on the 11th.</p>

<p>How about you guys? When are you guys going home/wherever?</p>

<p>I’ve got calculus and chem on monday the 8th and I’m outta here</p>

<p>Finished on 12/16.</p>

<p>I have an evening final on Monday, followed by two finals early Tuesday morning. Then a morning final for both Wednesday and Thursday and then I’m on break. I’ll be done on the 11th.</p>

<p>Ill be done on the 17th and then I’m free until January 20th.</p>

<p>last final on dec. 18</p>

<p>My last final is on 12/23. great.</p>

<p>I hate projects with a passion. Here for another almost two weeks. =/</p>

<p>Last damn final is scheduled for the last session on the last day of the semester, 12/12. There goes getting to go home early.</p>



<p>Same. =/
At my other school, before I transferred, I’d be done with finals by the end of this week, if not sooner.</p>

<p>I have two essays due on the 10th. Two papers due on the 19th (but have to finish before the 18th because I’m going home on the 19th), and two exams, 8AM, on the 17th and 18th.</p>

<p>Have an exam tomorrow at 1, and another on the 16th. Outside of that, I have three take home exams and a research paper to write before that second exam. Still sticking around though until the 19th.</p>

<p>sucks for people who are done on the 23rd! geez.</p>

<p>I have a 9 am on Tuesday, a 2 pm and 7 pm on Wednesday, and a stupid 7 pm on Thursday (the last spot) that I couldn’t reschedule. Going home Friday morning–I can’t wait. Of course, I’ll be working on transfer apps…</p>

<p>I had (bombed) 2 already that were scheduled during the last week of classes :-(</p>

<p>Just 1 more on Friday, and I’m free!</p>

<p>I ‘signed in’ for one today (get to drop one grade.) The have one tomorrow (tuesday) at 5:30pm, one Thursday at 3pm, and my last one is friday the 12th at 10am. Flying out friday afternoon!</p>

<p>I have them starting on Thursday…one Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Tuesday.</p>

<p>I have my chem final later today and English comp on Wednesday morning and then I am DONE and flying home late Wednesday afternoon.</p>


<p>Sports Injury Management Final 12/9 at 8AM
Practicum Final 12/9 at 6PM
Chemistry Final 12/16 at 4PM
Nutrition Final 12/18 at 8AM
Literature Final 12/18 at 10AM</p>

<p>I wish I could get out of here before next Thursday. Next week is going to suck waiting around doing very little…</p>