How Does Your High School Calculate GPA?

<p>what is your grading system? how much added weight do you get for honors? AP? is it only academic or comprehensive including all classes?</p>

<p>.5 for honors
1.0 for AP
all classes, but students have option of pass/fail for electives that has to be approved in the first 10 days of class. </p>

<p>class rank: weighted average; no UW average calculated.</p>

<p>94 - 100 : A (4.0)
90 - 93 : B+(3.5)
84 - 90 : B (3.0)
80 - 83 : C+(2.5)
74 - 80 : C (2.0)
70 - 74 : D+ (1.5)
64 - 70 : D (1.0)
below 64: F (0.0)</p>

<p>APs: +.5, Honors: nothing…</p>

Honors are given .025 weight. AP is given .05 weight. You can only get 18 semester courses weighted. You can only get 8 semester course of AP classes weighted. It’s a bit confusing, but it makes sense to me.</p>

<p>Honors/AP get +1 on the weighted scale. It seems pretty fair since an A in a regular course and a B in an honors course are roughly equivalent. Then there are classes stretching 2 levels below regular so that if you get an A in those it’s worth a C in a regular class. </p>

<p>Only drawback is that it kind of punishes taking non-honors classes if you’re competitive. Eh.</p>

<p>Thanks so much! Amazing how every school is different.</p>

<p>honors and ap is +.5</p>

<p>for my class (2010) it’s :
90-100 = 4.0
80-89 = 3.0
70-79 = 2.0
and so on. </p>

<p>for class of 2011, 12, 13 and so on it’s (for non-honors)
99 - 4.0
98 - 3.95
97 - 3.90
and so on. </p>

<p>sucks for me ('10) cause I somehow end up getting like an 89 if i get a B and it’s automatically and 3.0.</p>

<p>A (93-100) - 4.0
B (85-92) - 3.0
C (77-84) - 2.0
D (70-76) - 1.0
F (0-69) - 0.0</p>

<p>Honors is +1, AP/IB is +2.</p>

<p>1,000,000th thread on this topic