<p>It seems many ccrs have really high grade point averages. Our school gives regular classes these grades (94-100=A=4.0), (90-93=A-=3.7),(87-89= B+=3.5), (84-87=B=3.0). No A+ is possible.
Honors and AP classes get 3 points added onto your final average in the class, so you may go up a letter grade, or you may not. They do allow for an A+, which is 99+ and 4.3.
How does your school weight grades for Honors/ AP?</p>
<p>My school does not weight grades at all for my class; they've only just begun for the incoming class of '12. It is such a setback, because that way, a lot of kids who have never taken a single honours course in their lives are able to find a way into the top 10% solely by being lazy and a lot of the hard-working advanced students, such as myself, are left behind. The teachers I have to whom I discussed the matter with last year were frustrated about it, but now they get their day...and my senior class is very much screwed. Alas. Well, at least the incoming nerdies can be a little bit ahead in the world! Better than nothing, right?</p>
<p>A friend of mine, though, attends a school where an honours course adds three points to the final average and an AP adds five. That sounds so much more convenient.</p>
<p>My school gives no weight for honors classes [which SUCKS! lol], but we get 10 points for APs, which is a ridiculous amount of weight, but whatever.</p>
<p>My weighted GPA is 4.47, without any weight is 3.97 because of one "B" without weight. Argh lol.</p>
<p>Unweighted grades are like this:
4.0=100-90 A[and we "can't" get over a hundred in a regular/honors class, even if your average is over a hundred - they drop it down]
3.0=89-80 B
2.0=79-74 C
1.0=73-70 D
0=69-0 EPIC FAIL</p>
<p>I'm really illiterate on my own school, because until you reach 10th or 11th grade they've placed little blinders on you and say "EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. DO NOT QUESTION THE SYSTEM. ALL FEET AND HANDS MUST REMAIN INSIDE THE VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES."
But I've never heard of weighted GPAs until CC, and for middle school (obviously) we have 0-100% grades. I figure that 94-96 is an A or so, and 97-100 is an A+?? I mean that was me guessing a lot.</p>
<p>My school doesn't weight grades...or rank.</p>
<p>They weight them the SAME
<em>so angry</em></p>
<p>Honors: 96+=5.0
AP: 96+=6.0 </p>
<p>It seems crazy, but my school has no AP courses (You can take them online though) and there's a lot of required standard courses (Max 4.0).</p>
<p>Honors: Multiply grade by 1.05
AP: Multiply grade by 1.10</p>
<p>For GPA,
90-100= 4.0
80-89= 3.0
<p>For class rank,
AP or Pre-Ap Class = grade multiplier of 1.2
Regular= grade multiplier of 1.1</p>
<p>Highest GPA from ^ is ranked number 1, and so on</p>
<p>Grade Point Value Grade Point Value Grade Point Value
A 4.00 (>94) B- 2.67 (80-83) D+ 1.33 (etc.)
A- 3.67 (90-93) C+ 2.33 (etc.) D 1.00 (etc.)
B+ 3.33 (87-89) C 2.00 (etc.) D- 0.67 (etc.)
B 3.00 (84-87) C- 1.67 (etc.) F 0.00 (etc.)</p>
<p>APs get a +1, honors get a +.5</p>
<p>Grrr at all of you having 90-100 as a 4.0. I've had so many borderline A-/As that went A-, my GPA would be so much higher had I not...</p>
Grrr at all of you having 90-100 as a 4.0.
<p>I second that! I actually have only 1 B! A 90! And we need a 96+ for a 4.0!</p>
<p>Honors +5
AP +8 (used to be 10, but they changed it.)
It's possible to get over 100 with the weighted points added, but if we have over 100 in the class alone, the extra points get deleted. I got 108 in chemistry, and they deleted those 8 points. Urg, they owe me my 8 points that I worked for...</p>
<p>I don't think we even use the 4.0 grade scale. And if we ever talk about the 4.0 scale, I think 90+ is a 4.0.</p>
<p>I don't know exactly how our school weighs grades, but I do know that they do weigh the grades in honors, gifted, and AP classes, with the most weight being given to the AP classes, then gifted, then honors. So because of this, usually the top 10 in our school are in gifted, since 9th and 10th graders can't take AP (with the exception of AP Psychology). So that gives the gifted kids a nice boost, in front of the honors and regular students.</p>
<p>See... I like that +x system of weighting. </p>
<p>Like for the person above me:</p>
<p>you get a 90 then you have +8=98 </p>
<p>For me, you get a 90 and have a 4.25weight/3.25un which will kill your unweighted and probably your weighted.</p>
So that gives the gifted kids a nice boost, in front of the honors and regular students.
I wish my state had gifted glasses. -_-</p>
<p>Generally, the grading system in my school is the following:
100-90 A 4.0
89-80 B 3.0
79-70 C 2.0
69-65 D 1.0
64.9 and below F 0.0</p>
<p>Honors/AP classes are weighted the SAME:
100-90 A 5.0
89-80 B 4.0
79-70 C 3.0
69-65 D 2.0
64.9 and below F 0.0</p>
<p>The highest weighted gpa possible in my school is: 4.792
My highest weighted gpa possible for me is: 4.646
i just hope someone fails.</p>
<p>100 pt. gpa scale. We have no honors classes, but AP and dual enrollment is weighted 1.1</p>
A- 4.00 (>94)
A- 3.67 (90-93)
Grrr at all of you having 90-100 as a 4.0.
Yeah yeah, well it's never bothered me lol because I've never had anything below a 94 EXCEPT one stupid class I got a 85 w/o the weighting.. arghh lol. 95 though with it, so it's okay. I can see how that'd be really annoying though, but with our system, I don't like how it goes 89.5=4.0 and 89.4999=3.0. That's messed up.</p>
<p>Honors is +3 points to your final grade for the class
AP is +9 points to your final grade for the class</p>
<p>There are three levels: unweighted < Honors < GT or AP</p>
<p>For quarters:
A = 4.0 = > ~90 (89.5 rounds up, thus the squiggly line)
B = 3.0 = ~80 to ~90
C = 2.0 = ~70 to ~80
<p>The final grade of the course is calculated at the end of the year based on the quarter letter grades and the midterm and final letter grades (percentages don't matter.) A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, etc. Honors classes get +.5 and GT and AP get +1.0 to this final grade.</p>
<p>For "regular" classes:
90 - 100 = A = 4
80 - 89 = B = 3
70 - 79 = C = 2
60 - 69 = D = 1
< 60 = F = 0</p>
<p>For honors classes
90 - 100 = A = 4.5
80 - 89 = B = 3.5
70 - 79 = C = 2.5
60 - 69 = D = 1
< 60 = F = 0</p>
<p>For AP classes
90 - 100 = A = 5
80 - 89 = B = 4
70 - 79 = C = 3
60 - 69 = D = 1
< 60 = F = 0</p>