How easy is it to get Academic based Scholarships from TAMU?

<p>Earlier today I was explaining to one of my friends how FAFSA works when one of my classmates said you didn't need to fill out a FAFSA for A&M if you make high enough test scores to qualify for the school's larger academic scholarships. Okay I believe that, but this guy claims to have gotten a $10,000 scholarship because he made a 1980 on his SAT, but he only received admissions into TAMU a few weeks ago which means he's not top 10%. Meanwhile out of all the other Aggies at my school that I've talked to I've only heard one of them getting free tuition and that's because he's the salutatorian and a national merit semifinalist! I know this guy is lying through is teeth I just want to be sure. Does A&M really give out easy money if you make above a 1900?</p>

<p>I got a 2100 sat and a 30 act and was an automatic admit along with being a national merit commended scholar and an ap scholar, and all I’ve gotten Is the 1,000 opportunity scholarship</p>

<p>I don’t think there is any such thing as “easy money”. My son will receive $14,000 because he is a National Hispanic Scholar and TAMU guarantees it and he is also receiving a $10,000 scholarship (we just got lucky there). He is top 10% and was an automatic admit and scored better than 2100 on the SAT and a 34 on the ACT. Salutatorians don’t get free tuition - that’s just for the valedictorians and only for their first 2 long semesters (fall and spring).</p>

<p>Not easy! DD scored over 2100 on the SAT, 32 ACT, lots of ECs and leadership, 5.18 GPA on a 5.0 scale. One of the top 10 graduates in her class. Automatic admit. 2011 AP Scholar with Honors. Applied Nov. Admitted Dec. Awarded $11,000 in scholarships from A&M so far. We are still hoping for more! Scholarship office said to keep checking Howdy because awards will continue to be added through April.</p>

<p>The scholarship is over 4 years btw…</p>

<p>I got a 2040 on the SAT, 99.9/100 GPA, top 6% auto admit, lot of ECs, NHS, NTHS, lots of awards (yesterday I just won second place in a SkillsUSA state competition) and I haven’t gotten jack ****. I guess the days of just needing to be smart to get SCHOLARships are over…</p>

<p>Our experience is both sides - if you are national merit finalist and valedictorian, it is easy to get $$. If you are a few points lower - commended scholar, AP Scholar, top 4%, Eagle Scout, active in EC’s - no dice.</p>

<p>Also, if you are offered more $ at another Texas state school, tell A&M. We were able to get offered a bit more that way. They like to compete with other state school’s offers sometimes. It doesn’t hurt to ask. Let them know why it could really make a difference in your decision.</p>