How easy is it to get into Rutger's

<p>Last fall's admitted students Middle 50%:</p>

<p>GPA: 82 to 95 (on a 100 scale)
SAT: 1150 -- 1340</p>

<p>While competition is tightening up, I've heard of no solid evidence to suggest that Rutgers' admit rate has dropped anywhere near 25%.</p>

<p>Listen, getting into Rutgers is like getting into Stony It isn't that hard. You probably nedd a 3.2 and an 1100 sat. No way the admission rate is 25%. Fordham is even higher It's probably around 50%.</p>

<p>lorelei, what do you know about the acceptance rate for transfer students and the GPA they look for</p>

<p>I have not heard about that yet, no statistical information.....when I learn I will post.</p>

<p>guys. do you think i can get in with a 3.2 UW GPA/3.3 W GPA. i had a 1250 old score on my sat's and a 1940 on the new ones. i wrote a pretty good essay as well, and i was involved in 4 clubs at least 3 years in high school. however, i failed anatomy and physiology honors senior year, and i just applied last week..</p>

<p>anyone but lorelei answer please. thanks.</p>

<p>well when i went to meet with admissions when i applied as a senior last year, i had i think two d's on transcripts (not as final grades). they looked at my stuff and once the lady saw the D's she said no without sugar coating it. she said they dont look any further if they see a D. but at the same time, your class is an honors class and ur SAT's are pretty good so your situation differs a lot from mine. you should go visit the admissions office. its worth it.</p>

<p>Lovexsuicide, your SAT scores are definitely high enough, but that failing grade and late application-sending will hurt you a lot.</p>

<p>I'm getting confused here; do they only look at your final overall grade (the average of two semesters) or EVERYTHING on your transcript?</p>

<p>I'm instate and got waitlisted with 1300 SAT (V/M) and ~3.0 GPA. I was hoping to get accepted since my SATs seemed well above average although my GPA is a little low. Oh well, I got into another school (SUNY New Paltz, it's cheaper too go figure) that I really like if things don't work out with Rutgers.</p>

<p>35000 applications for 5000 spots does not mean a 1 in 7 chance of admission. They probably have well under a 50% yield rate, so, to fill a class of 5000, they would need to admit more than 10,000 students.</p>

<p>Check this out guys..
Rutgers has rolling admission, meaning they accept people based on certain criteria (grades/sats) and either accept or reject on the spot.
They only have a certain amount of spots (about 5000).
Once they admit 5000 people (or more because most people are using it as a backup) they find out the number of applications they reviewed.
Then they find out the number of accepted students..
Then they divide the number of accepted students by the number of applications reviewed and multiply by 100 in order to get 50 or so percent.
Then they reject/waitlist the rest..</p>

<p>I have a 3.0gpa and 25 ACT score and I am African American from NorCal with a lot of ECs do you think I have a chance? Also I am not requesting financial aid.</p>

<p>hey, guys! </p>

<p>just a little update: i got into rutgers today! i just found out and i'm so happy =]
.. i'm assuming it was because of my sat's and my essay more than anything.</p>