How easy is it to transfer from IPFW to Purdue?

<p>D wants to do Premed ( BS in Biology or Chemistry ) at Purdue. Is it easy to transfer from Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne to Purdue University after a couple of years as long as she maintains her grades? Also is there significant differences in the rigor of the 2 colleges?</p>

<p>Is there a difference in what is printed on the BS diploma from IPFW in, say Biology, and what is printed on a BS diploma from Purdue main campus ( at West Lafayette ) in the same subject? Would the diplomas simply say Purdue University or Purdue University at West Lafyette or Purdue University at Fort Wayne? Is a degree from the main campus superior to the one from the regional campus at FW? How about difference in academic rigor between them?</p>