How exactly do classes work?

I scheduled two classes for MWF, and two for TTh. If I have two classes on 8/20 (a Monday) would I go back to those classes on Wednesday and Friday? Ik this is probably a dumb question

Yes. In addition, there may be additional sections (either discussion or lab) which are scheduled in addition. In general, the syllabus will list all the class meetings.

Not a dumb question. If the class is scheduled for certain days, ie-M,W,F, then classes are at that time on those days unless otherwise noted. Sometimes, you might have a lab at different times on a different day. And some classes might have a separate get together with a TA at some other time to review.

My classes each say they’re 3 hours per class, which lead me to believe due to such long hours we’d only meet once a week, which is why I’m a little confused

You may be conflating “class” with “class meeting.”

In general a class that is in listed the schedule as MWF10 means that it meets MWF from 10-11 (or until 10:50 or 10:55 depending on the school). TTh10 is usually 10-11:30.

But every college might list its timetable differently. There might be a section at the beginning that explains the nuances for that college.

Alternatively, you may be confusing credit hours with class hours. As an example, at my college, most classes are 4 credit hours, but a science class might have 3 hours of lectures, a one hour discussion, and a 3 or 4 hour lab.

I would assume a 3 hour class would mean 3 credit hours (but would roughly mean you meet 3 hours per week). Varies by college.

Are you confusing the hours for each class or the hours per week? Colleges may use weekly class hours to describe the effort (and also the number of credits) a class is.

Three hours, three times a week does sound like a lot of class hours.

OH yeah I think I were confusing the two. I understand now

Yes. That means you would likely meet three times during the week for one hour each.

And please ask any more “dumb” questions…you don’t learn unless you ask!

The number of credit hours usually corresponds with how many hours a class meets per week. 3 credits/hours can be one three hour meeting, two 90 minute meetings, or three one hour meetings. A MWF class would be the latter, and a TTh would be the middle.

On the other hand, 3 hour labs, once a week, do exist

Yes indeedy. As I said upthread, at my college, almost every course is 4 credit hours whether the course meets as a seminar 2 hours a week or has a 3 hour lab in addition to lectures and discussion sections. I’ve had both.