How exactly do you get recruited for a sport?

<p>Do you just call up the coach and say, "Hey, I want you to help me get admitted to X College by putting my on your list. Bye." ???</p>

<p>That's not too far off...</p>

<p>You'd email or phone the coach and tell him/her the basic stats about you in the sport. For example, state ranking (if appropriate) how many years at Varsity, 1st team all league, leauge champions, division champions, etc. Also you'd give the coach your GPA and SATs. Based on that information the coach would either be interested or not. If interested, the coach would probably want to see a tape of you doing the soirt and also get an official copy of your transcript. Sometimes the coach will want to talk to your home ocach, and sometimes the coach will want to see you play.</p>

<p>There have been quite a few threads on this in the Parents Forum; go have a peek at the old threads...</p>