How exactly does Foote Fellow work in the ACE?

<p>I'm kinda confused by the ACE on myUM. In the "Remaining Requirements" sections, there are a lot of Gen Eds listed, but the note at the bottom says that we're exempt from completing the University's gen ed requirements. So, are there different "gen eds" for the college we're in that we aren't exempt from? Or are the sections listed as "Remaining Requirements" that are gen eds waived when we apply for graduation? Someone help, because I'm really confused!</p>

<p>This sounds like the perfect question for your academic advisor…</p>

<p>Talked to my Foote Fellow peer mentor, she said that she had the same issue but just thinks it’s an issue with the ACE not working well with Foote accounts.</p>

<p>You don’t have to worry about anything on the ACE. When I met with my adviser (Dean Deutsch) she actually printed out my ACE from their system and showed me that with AP’s I already met many of the core areas of gen ed requirements, but that it didn’t matter because NONE of them are required, as a Foote Fellow. </p>

<p>If the college you’re in has specific requirements or your major/degree program has specific requirements, those must be met. Being a Foote Fellow does not exempt you from your department/college/major’s requirements.</p>