<p>I found out today that I was accepted to my ED school. I have also applied to another school with rolling admission and I haven't heard from it yet, but I now need to withdraw that application. I've looked around, but I can't seem to figure out exactly how to do this. It's a pretty big school, and I'm afraid an email would get lost in the shuffle, but I'd feel awkward calling the admissions office.</p>
<p>What is the best way for ED acceptees to withdraw their other applications? Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>Two, you have to write a letter to that college requesting to withdraw your application and then you have to sign it so that they know it is from you.</p>
<p>i think my teachers and counselor sent out my recs already, but i didnt actually submit any part of the application. do i need to withdraw those apps?</p>
<p>We only have to withdraw if we’ve sent in apps/supplements, right? Not if we’ve only sent in recs, SAT scores and transcripts, they’ll just throw that stuff away eventually if we don’t submit apps?</p>
<p>Yes they will eventually throw the stuff away, but it would be nice of you to drop them a line to let them know that they can throw it away now.</p>
<p>I would talk to your counselor they should know how to do this considering it is part of their job.
But ya…i would say fax a letter like everyone has said already.
it doenst have to be long. just to the point</p>