How far along are you in the application process?

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks. And this is why I won't be displaying any web work in my portfolio...</p>

<p>i have started filling out apps and have only just begun my SOP......i havent taken the GRE/GMAT (I have tot ake both for the programs I am applying to) and tried to register for the former but got some idiotic "error" message even, after looking through everything, all info was entered correctly and in the way they wanted....sigh..will try again. Have contacted reccomenders.</p>

<p>I've been so busy lately its hard to devote time JUST for this! I need like one solid weekend of JUST college aops and I'd get lots accompished. I know what I want to say in my SOP but it's just hard to start it......oh the frustration!</p>

<p>I just submitted my first application. Eight more to go!</p>

<p>just came back from a portfolio review day and a college visit, and I'm feeling SOOOO much more directed now. I know where I want my portfolio to go in the next draft, and can actually fathom writing my artist's statements now!</p>

recommenders have been given forms, resume, and a mini portfolio. I have had my portfolio reviewed by four schools with mixed results: one no, one yes, two maybe. After the review process and my one visit, I finally feel like I could sit down and write my SOP, if only I could find the time...</p>

<p>EEK! One of my recommenders already sent in all the letters. I'm scared. That makes it feel really, really real, and like I need to hurry my ass up and get the rest of my materials in.</p>

<p>finally finished all 11 apps! (berk, mit, uiuc, columbia, ucla, duke, brown, dartmouth, nyu, bu, northeastern)... comp sci programs, mostly phd. now just waiting for my 3rd letter writer to start submitting some letters!</p>

<p>notable app memories:
-i uploaded the wrong SOP to part of the UIUC app :-(
-mit required me to list 48 courses and the textbooks i used!
-nyu allowed for way too many additional essays
-northeastern's app is a joke... only 4 pages long and has only 12 default textfields to list all major-related courses. 12!
-mit's app was overall the nicest and best organized.</p>

<p>gj with the timely submissions before the finals (if you're still an undergrad). i have to take a brief intermission for the finals, and i have yet to submit 3 other apps by the end of this year. </p>

<p>the stanford apps was the most painful by far. asked me to write so many short essays that i thought were redundant. i too liked mit's simple and minimalist approach.</p>

<p>My personal favorite was definitely Harvard's application. I feel the application allowed to look about as good as I possibly could. </p>

<p>MIT's seemed very cramped and gave a ridiculously small amount of space to explain very important items. </p>

<p>Berkeley's was a bit annoying in that it had many different separate sections to complete, with each section having multiple pages. Many of these sections were irrelevant, but I was many times unsure if I should still fill them out or not. Recommendation forms also were also not sent out until the application was complete. I didn't like that...</p>

<p>Caltech's was the most tedious in that I had to upload separate Word for my work experience, extracurriculars, publications, awards, AND course content (including a summary every class and the textbook used...ughhh).</p>

<p>So, as of now, I've completed 8 of 9 applications, NSF is done, NDSEG is almost done. </p>

<p>Two more months until decisions!</p>


<p>We don't have to fill out the course list for MIT mat. sci., right?</p>

<p>Fortunately, we don't. The FAQ on the MSE website says they don't even look at that page, so it's pointless.</p>

<p>I'm so excited! I just submitted all my applications!</p>

<p>congrats. feels relieving doesnt it? now the only thing for me to worry about is my 3rd letter writer submitting his letter to all the schools + my finals.</p>

<p>All school and fellowship applications are now COMPLETED. Awwww.....done.</p>

<p>Dirt, did you have any trouble with the references for MIT? Only one of my recommenders actually received an e-mail for a reference. I've talked to people at MIT and ApplyWeb, and no one seems to know what's going wrong.</p>

i just submitted mine today, so I don't know yet. I'll let you know if something goes wrong.</p>

<p>You guys are on top of things. I only have 2 of my 7 apps done.</p>