<p>in other words, what kind of colleges can it get me into(u don't have to list specific colleges):)
oh yeah, good ec's too!</p>
<p>can you list your state of residency so i look at some public schools?</p>
<p>I know eddyatl4evr hates that I post in all of his threads (just trying to be helpful). The state of residency is Georgia. </p>
<p>Of public schools in Georgia, you’re a match for Georgia State and Georgia College and State University (and any other in-state college that is not UGA/GT). You’re a moderate reach for UGA and you’re a high reach for Georgia Tech. </p>
<p>eddy - if you want out of state/private school suggestions, it would be helpful to give a major. People will suggest different schools for different majors. For example, I’d suggest VT (slight reach) and NC State and Clemson (high matches) for engineering, but I would suggest very different schools for public policy. And I would suggest a entirely new set if you said “undecided”.</p>
<p>hey gp, does my friend have a better chance of uga/gt?</p>
<p>his stats:</p>
<p>GPA: amazing, no less than 3.8 probably 3.9 or 4.0 w(95 cumulative avg)
Sats: really bad the opposite of his gpa 1650
difficulty of scheduale: 4 aps and 8-10 honors
Ecs: not good either. is not involved in any school clubs or sports since freshman year i think. Now, only plays rec basketball. Definitely worse than mine. oh yeah, no community service.</p>
<p>If only I could combine my sat and ec’s with his gpa. I would start aiming for the ivys:)</p>
you have a chance at all schools above like top 25
and in LACs, probs all above 20
look at the college of wooster, the college of charleston, american, emory oxford college, occidental, u pittsburgh, tulane, binghamton, new college of florida, bard, bates
just to get you started and name a few
just get your GPA up and you’re set
my SAT is about the same as yours and i got into cornell :D, but i’m a URM haha</p>
<p>if you are native american, consider applying to the ivys
else, schools in the top 25-50 range</p>
<p>That’s the unweighted GPA, right? Assuming it is and his SAT’s are evenly distributed (mid 500’s for all three), there’s no telling for UGA. He’s below average on all SAT’s and above average for GPA. He’s at a “low reach” automatically because of his SAT score, like you’re a reach based on GPA. In his favor, though, is that UGA weights GPA more than SAT score.</p>
<p>From others, I’ve seen that Tech simply won’t accept an SAT score that low, even with a perfect GPA. Their absolute minimum SAT is around 1800, and that still requires a very good (650 or so) Math score and excellent other stats. So I’d have to give a high reach (like you). Now, if you tell me that he just moved from a foreign country, has a 700 Math, and bombed CR/Writing because it’s a second language, that’s different.</p>
<p>But let me be clear- you (and that other potentially fictitious person) should both apply to GT and UGA.</p>
<p>You should apply to some reaches, some matches, and a safety. GT and UGA are your academic reaches, you can apply to GSU and GCSU as academic matches, then maybe your local regional school (Savannah State, Valdosta State, Kennesaw State, etc) as a safety. Maybe add in there a few reaches (both academic and financial) from out of state / private, and you should be in good shape.</p>
<p>The issue would be if you viewed UGA and GT as matches, then applied to schools you assumed were reaches (Cornell, Brown etc). In that case you would run a high risk of being denied from every school.</p>
<p>are u crazy!!! I never once had the thought of applying to any university like cornell. I may be a bit too hopeful about uga and tech but i’m not delusional enough to even think i have the slightest chance at an ivy league school. not with my gpa.</p>
<p>I’m glad I can stop worrying about you. To be completely honest (and don’t get a big head and not apply to a state school), I think you’ve got a very good chance at UGA. I was being overcautious in my chance to make sure you applied to a safety (which you said earlier that you would not do).</p>
<p>I think EC is not very important,since you are not applying to HYPSM(I assume you not apply,but you definitely have a shot),as for the others(top20-40),you are a match i think.</p>
<p>actually when i said that, I was basically speaking for my parents since those two schools are the ones they seem to want me to go to. However, I know that there is always a chance that i won’t get accepted so i already plan to apply to ga state. made it a little over-dramatic with the “uga, ga tech, or no college!” didn’t it:)</p>
<p>oh so now i have a chance at uga, huh? I guess you’ve seen the light now:) but i’m still on the outside looking in when it comes to tech:(</p>
<p>No, you won’t get into Tech. And UGA is still an outside shot, but it’s not hopeless.</p>
<p>Those are great stats, I’m pretty sure you’ll do fine in most universities. Of course, you’ll have a bit of a hard time applying to the Top 30 Universities.</p>
<p>huh? so now i go from having a good chance at uga to an outside shot? u know what, i really hope i get into uga and tech just to brag and prove everyone on this forum wrong. nothing would be better.</p>
<p>Hmm… I could see how that’s confusing. If I had to put it down numerically, I’d say you have a 1/3 shot at UGA and 1/20 shot at GT. I think those UGA odds are pretty good, but they’re still on the outside (below 50%) looking in. Still, it wouldn’t surprise me to see you get in.</p>
<p>I hope you do get in, though. I have no reason to bet against you.</p>
<p>Hey I have a question G.P. Like I like how you can tell if one is most likely to get in to GT or not, but can’t a really good essay compromise for a low SAT or a low GPA and higher the chances of acceptance into GT?</p>
<p>i understand…but for some reason i’m more disappointed with the 1/3 chance for uga than the 1/20 for ga tech(basically i have no chance is what you’re saying here for tech). If u were an admissions officer at uga, would u accept me(wow, this should be a good title for my next thread!)</p>
<p>btw gp, do u have like some kind of proven track record for accurately predicting whether a person will be accepted or not. if so list please…</p>