How far do your grades have to drop for a college to rescind your admission?

<p>I'm not planing to slack off, but I still would like to know. xD</p>

<p>I think that depends on what your transcript looked like when you applied. For example, if you had all A’s last year and this year you get all C’s, they’ll probably see that as a big drop since obviously you’re capable of doing better. Don’t think you have to worry about it unless you completely bomb your core classes or something haha. I got accepted to my top choice with a bunch of C’s (but they were in AP/honors classes), so if anything, they’ll see improvements this year =]</p>

<p>ps- I know a girl who’s admission to ASU ended up being rescinded because senior year she finished with a 1.5 GPA…</p>

<p>Would an across the board drop from A’s to B’s cause a college to rescind admission?</p>

<p>No, colleges will not cancel an admission because the student got Bs, even if you got Cs it would be unlikely</p>

<p>I know a person who was accepted to Brown. Brown told him that he had to maintain a B or better in an AP science class. He ended up getting a C+ second semester. Brown rescinded.</p>

<p>Wow thats scary…</p>

It’s frightening, but you have to remember that Brown gave him the ultimatum when they admitted him. He knew the consequences, and obviously didn’t care. Was a good friend, but I can’t commend him for his disregard for his college future.</p>

<p>Remember that this was Brown, though. If you’re going to a state college, non-Honors, they wouldn’t care.</p>

<p>What about for slightly less selective colleges? (Rank 25-50)</p>

Do all you can to maintain your GPA regardless of selectivity. A slight drop probably wouldn’t matter, especially if the classes you’re taking are more difficult. Half a letter grade per class is more than enough leeway.</p>