How far does double legacy get you?

<p>I have good stats, but I'm not sure I have the "hook" at Vanderbilt that I might have at other schools. However, both my parents are alumni and they met/fell in love at Vandy. Would their dual attendance give me a significant hook here? A boost in likelihood of admission?</p>

<p>I don’t think so. My friend’s great-grandfather, grandfather, father, and mother all attended Vandy and he was rejected. They don’t really emphasize legacy as much as other universities do.</p>

<p>Legacy preference has been greatly discounted in the last 1-2 years.</p>

<p>I agree with the other posters. It doesn’t help like other schools.</p>

<p>You are subtracted five points out of their 100 point scale for every legacy you have. Were the Greek? Oops, there’s another negative 10. </p>

<p>Just kidding. In all seriousness, it looks like these people are behind the times. Since the dawn of the university, Vanderbilt has recognized family connections to the school and applicants have always received some sort of an advantage in the admissions process.</p>

<p>From 2005 to the admissions cycle culminating with the freshmen on campus now, the Office of Admissions decided to strike this policy from the books. It was a failed initiative, lost the university many donors and surprisingly enough did not get any attention from the liberal media. They’ve since reversed this “officially” and these days, “when a student’s record closely mirrors those of other students being offered admission, legacy status may be taken into consideration” ([their</a> faq](<a href=“]their”> </p>

<p>Not surprisingly, just being a legacy might not be as helpful as being a legacy from a family that annually donates the minimum amount recognized as an “alumni donation” by USNews.</p>

<p>I don’t really know or care enough to find the numbers, but at least a quarter of the people I know here are legacies, so it’s obviously helpful or maybe that just means that this is one of those schools that alumni remember enjoying.</p>

<p>Well “legacy” still plays a roll, not much, but still there. So it helps to have alumni from Vandy, especially two.</p>

<p>I hope double legacy helps! Vandy is my dream school. I’m related by marriage to the late chancellor who had the student center named after him… maybe that’ll count. :(</p>

<p>Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am certainly not behind the times. D of double legacy parents here in Nashville, who had extraordinary stats, whose parents have hosted tons of Vandy fundraisers in their home for years and donated bucks was waitlisted just 2 years ago and Vandy refused to take her off the list. Her parents were in the process of getting ready to host yet another fundraiser in their home the day she got the news!</p>

<p>i’m a soph at vandy. we did a tour back in august for my brother in high school, and during the admissions info session someone asked this exact question. the admissions officer said no, legacies don’t matter, unless your last name happens to be kirkland or kissam. my father asked if my status as a current student would help my brother, and that answer was no. basically, it will only matter if you are already on the cusp.</p>

<p>Doing as neutral a self-assessment as possible, and based off the word of others, my stats are good enough to be “on the cusp.” My parents also have met the alumni donation requirement on a regular basis, as they both enjoyed their time on campus a great deal. Even if it won’t help, I still might as well apply! :)</p>